Get Gorgeous skin update

So it’s been about six months since I started ingesting lots of Get Gorgeous tea, at least three, sometimes four cups almost every day.

And you know what? I can’t remember the last time I had a pimple.

The main ingredient of Get Gorgeous is the rooibos herb, which has lots of antioxidants and boosts the immune system.

Also, I’ve been using Philosophy’s Pigment of Your Imagination SPF 18, which contains kojic acid, a natual pigment inhibitor with antibacterial properties.

But who knows? Maybe my hormones are changing gears once again as I approach the big 3-5. Yikes!


  1. Hmmm, maybe I should get drinking that rooibos I have…

    I could use some fewer zits.

  2. Aw nuts – I don’t really like rooibos. Guess I’ll have to totally OD on green tea – it has anti-oxidants, too – or get into white tea or, eep, expensive matcha.

  3. I’ve heard that avoiding dairy products reduces zits. My real concern is the lies we were told in school. You know, that pimples pass once you exit puberty. What nonsense.