I’m being a lazy bum this afternoon. The TV’s on (Steel Magnolias), the heater’s whirring, and I’ve got almonds and cranberry juice (trying to relatively healthy).
I should be finishing up the article that’s due tomorrow. Rosemary Oil to Get Rid of Acne. Exciting. Apparently rosemary has a lot of good qualities – antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial. And using an oil cleanse on oily skin is supposed to be better than soap.
This is the second acne article I’ve done. Will look for something different for next week.
I feel like I’ve been neglecting my blog so I thought I’d do at least a brain dump. This weekend MB and I saw Avatar in 3D. I kept hearing it was supposed to be a bomb, but it was really good. I mean, I know it was cheesy and the story was predictable, and the Na’vi are basically Native Americans, but I still got totally sucked in, the way I got sucked into Titanic. I cried at both.
Plus the special effects were really amazing. The Na’vi had so much expression, I’d forget they weren’t real.
We saw the movie at the Sundance Kabuki Theater in Japantown. Love that theater! It’s one where you reserve seats beforehand, which costs a couple of extra bucks, but then you have the cheaper, matinee option, which doesn’t exist in New York anymore. Also I noticed people don’t talk during the movies here on the west coast. Back east, I had grown to hate going because the audience ALWAYS chatters. Some even answered their cell phones.
Saturday I didn’t spend much time in the house, for a change. Went to the gym in the morning (since I didn’t go Friday), lunch out, movies in the afternoon, then a cafe. Sunday MB and I hung out at Wicked Grounds for a while. We like it, but there’s one Asian woman who works there who has the LOUDEST laugh. It sort of reverberates throughout the whole place.
Yesterday was just a regular day of morning writing at home, gym, lunch at home, then writing at Bittersweet. Today I wrote in the morning, hit the gym, then met MB for lunch. With the holidays, his office is pretty dead. We went out to the Mission and had really good barbecue at Baby Blues BBQ. Pulled pork, creamed spinach, and baked beans – yum! I have leftovers, which I’m tempted to dig into now. We walked all the way back, hence my currently lazy butt.
On my way home, I needed the bathroom so I popped into the Marriott on Post Street. That’s a pretty nice hotel. In the lobby there are all these tables and chairs. Seems like a nice place for drinks.
I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a job. I like the way I spend my days, but I’d like to have some cash coming in. The freelancing pays just $7.50 to $15 an article, which basically pays for my gym membership. I’d prefer to have a job related to writing – or more freelance work – but it might be easier to get some low level job at a library. I’ll do some detective work.
I’m not sure I could work in an office again. Temping occurred to me – I could do it for a finite amount of time, but the idea of being in an office environment is so – bleh.