I’ve had a somewhat lazy and somewhat productive weekend.
On the productive side, I’ve been working like crazy on a piece I want to submit to a magazine. Somehow I can’t get it to stop sucking. I’m not sure if it’s what I’m writing about (too broad? not original enough?) or how I’m writing it (trying to cover too much?). I just keep trying.
On the lazy side, I haven’t worked out since Thursday. I could go today, but I’d prefer to keep working on this essay. And I may do yoga later.
Yesterday we walked to Union Square and enjoyed the sun. MB played guitar and I edited my memoir. There didn’t seem to be too many weirdos around. The one interesting thing was a young woman and an older woman arguing. I kept wondering what their relationship was. The older woman wasn’t the mother – maybe an aunt or stepmother? The younger woman said, “Christine warned me about you.” They were arguing, but it was as though they had gone out of their way to sit on the grass and hash it out.
When it got too cold, we came back to our apartment, grabbed our computers, and headed over to Japantown and New People Cafe. Here’s what I love best about New People Cafe:
- Heated toilet seats
- They carry rooibus tea
- Their delectable vegan baked goods
And in that order.
Today, more writing, like I said. And the yoga thing.