This weekend MB is away on another business trip so I am pseudo-single once again. And how did I spend my pseudo-single Friday night? Watching My Dog, a documentary about dogs and the celebrities who love them. It was pretty adorable but totally manipulative, in a way that only a lefty-celebrity-laden project can be.
I also watched a rerun of Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations, the one in Paris, which of course made me want to a) go there, and b) buy a long baguette.
Work is good. An idea I had seems to be popular (so far). I love writing something that lots of people are reading, whether for myself or a job. (Interoffice memos do not count.) I’m a total attention whore.
The book selling business is coming along slowly but surely. MB reminds me it’s like a garden: I need to tend it to it a little every day, and gradually it will grow.
And thanks to those of you who have already bought copies! I really appreciate it. And to remind folks, I make the same amount whether you buy a PDF or a paperback, so no guilt about buying the e-book.
And those of you to whom I owe free copies, I ordered them last week, and should be receiving them in another week (Lulu can be somewhat slow). I was going to send each book directly, but then Lulu asked for a phone number. Sending the books myself seemed easier, plus I got a discount for ordering a whole bunch.
Finally, in case you were wondering, I’ve fully recovered from my terrible bout of food poisoning last weekend. The short version: MB and I had bad imperial rolls and spent part of Friday night and all of Saturday puking, shitting (well, just him), and feeling overall just terrible. By Saturday night we were able to eat some chicken soup.
But we didn’t gain our full appetites back till late last week, and I was slower than MB. For days I haven’t felt too hungry – though I’ve definitely been eating – and have had constant indigestion. Finally, on Thursday I did some yoga, and surprisingly felt better. Yesterday at lunch I only picked at my chicken burrito, but by the time I got home, I was pretty famished and had some vegetarian chili over rice and stir-fried broccoli.
Today I feel normal so far.
On the docket for today: work on my latest essay, and work out.