Writing news: The Frisky, wordy stuff

I had a piece published in The Frisky last week, Neither a Trophy Nor a Tiger, about battling Asian stereotypes, even the awesome ones like being a tiger wife, getting straight A’s, and being a ninja.

I’ve also been writing more for work lately. If you like word-nerdy stuff about language then you’ll want to check out my word-nerdy little articles. If you’re really into it, you can subscribe to my workplace’s blog feed.  The latest one is for Shark Week and is about shark etymologies, types, and sayings.

This past week I also spent a lot of time working on an essay for Hyperink’s My Tiger Mom and Me contest, which I heard about from Wyn.  I made myself cry when I wrote it! Of course that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s any good.

That’s it from here!

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