And I’m back from yet another AWP! While this year doesn’t compare to the blast I had last year, I still had a good time. Plus I got to see Seattle!
- Number of hours my flights were delayed compared number of hours I was in the air: 2.5 : 3
- Number of hours I was in the airport compared to number of hours I was int he air: 6.5 : 3
- Number of times I was in the very back of the plane compared to number of flights: 2 : 2
- Number of “preferred guest” rooms I received because I got to the hotel so late and all the regular rooms were taken: 1 (yay!)

The view from my hotel.
- Number of hours of sleep I got that first night: 3
- Number of runs I got in over 2 days: 2 (four and three miles, respectively)
- Number of hours I spent in my room compared with number of hours I spent at the conference on that first day (not including sleeping hours): 8 : 4
- Number of old writing teachers I saw and almost didn’t say hi to but then I did and I’m so glad: 1
- Number of times I forgot said writing teacher had blurbed my memoir: 1 (I’m such a dumbass)
- Number of online friends I met in real life for the first time: 2
- Number of three-minute stories I wrote on an old manual typewriter: 1
- Number of times I avoided eye contact with book fair participants: 100
- Number of hours I lasted at the book fair: 1

Tweeting the live-tweet of someone tweeting a panel about tweeting.
- Hours last week I spent looking for a new outfit for my reading: 2
- Number of new outfits I bought: 0
- Number of cute outfits I forgot already had: 1 (cute little black jacket, white button up blouse, jeans, boots, cool necklace, in case you were wondering)
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how nervous I was for my reading: 11
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how fun the reading turned out to be: 10
- Number of taco salads I inhaled after my reading: 1

Post-reading taco salad.
- Number of sips of straight whiskey I was able to handle at the book fair: 3
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy I was to visit the Seattle Public Library: 11

Hammering Man at the Seattle Art Museum.
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy I was to run into the Gourmet Dog Japon cart: 11 (I got the Samurai)
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy I was to have some alone time in my room with my Samurai dog (don’t be dirty) and some stupid TV: 1,000,000
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy I was to have brunch with an old college friend: 1,000,000
- Out of five stars, how yummy the food at Steelhead Diner was: 5+
- Number of days it rained out of 1.5: .5 (It was beautiful but chilly on Friday, and only a little drizzly, though cold, Saturday)
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy I was when I was finally back home: 1,000,000
- Number of hours it will take this introvert to recover from all the socializing: 24