Writing Update: Huffington Post, Quartz, The Weeklings

Holy crap, it’s been a whole year since I’ve done a writing update. (If you’re curious about what I’ve published since then, just check my publications page.)

technicaldifficultiesFor The Huffington Post, I wrote about how my company used gratitude, patience, and humor to handle a server outage which brought down our app.

The big surprise for me was that as I was trying to entertain our customers, I ended up entertaining my co-workers too, which, I was told, made folks feel a little better during a stressful situation.

Oh, and hey, my article is currently featured on the front page of HuffPost Tech! Although it’ll probably be gone very soon.

Jane-Addams-2696444xFor Quartz, I wrote about what 21st century libraries can learn from Jane Addams’s Hull House, a 19th-century institution.

hannibal-500x332For The Weeklings I wrote about the TV show Hannibal and the symbolism of its many suits, from Lecter’s fab three-piece deals, to his crazy plastic killing suit, to people as suits of meat.

The actual writing of this essay didn’t take unusually long, but the research did, and by “research” I mean rewatching all of season two and jotting down notes and quotes along the way.

But it was worth it, and I hope to write more about TV.

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