First of all, thanks to everyone who participated in helping me pick a cover for my memoir, which I’m self-publishing this spring. Twenty people commented, which was far more than I was expecting. Of those 20, I randomly picked someone who will receive a free copy of my book as well as these cute letterpress cards from my cover designer.
And the very scientific way I picked the name? I wrote everyone’s names on an index card and cut it up.
I threw the names in a mug.
Then I closed my eyes and picked one.
And the winner is Winnie! Hooray, the gods of randomness are on your side! By early next month, you’ll receive the cards, which I already have –
– as well as my book when it’s available.
But you know what else? I so appreciate everyone “playing”. . .
. . . that I decided you ALL will get a free copy of my book (that is all of you who voted by the time this post went up)! I only ask that you Tweet and FB the shit out of it, and tell your friends about it. Or review it! You all have loads of time, right?
So if you could please send your snail mail addresses to angelatungwriter AT gmail DOT com, that would be great!
Now onto the winning cover. It seems the majority of commenters loved cover number 5:
But I have to wonder if Sharilyn was right in saying that this was because I also showed the back of the book. I admit I’m very intrigued by the idea of the fish tail (for a fish tale, get it?) on the front of the book. In a way the black angelfish was the catalyst that started the whole series of events in my memoir.
BUT, I’m also drawn by the “personality” of the fish face and eye, such as in number 3:
I also love how clean the design is, how the fish “pops,” and the contrast between dark and light.
My final decision?
Cover number three, slightly modified.
Since this contest, my designer has come out with even more renditions, including one very similar to three. The only difference is that the title and my name are a lot more prominent. And the fish will probably continue onto the back, with the back cover copy wrapping around the fish tail.
But I won’t show this cover yet! I’ll wait till the book is actually available.
Thanks again, everybody, for making the kick-off of my memoir marketing campaign so much fun. I’m sure you’ll hear more from me about it.
Wow, that’s the closest I’ve come to winning, *almost* my name :D Nice handwriting, I’m freakishly interested in things like that.
wyn, yes, very close to your name! :)
really re: my handwriting? i’ve always considered it illegible. thanks though!
Congratulations on the memoir. I’m late to the game, but that is awesome!
thanks P2H!
[…] Magazine, I wrote about vampires, tattoos, and divorce. I continued to market my memoir by giving all contest participants a free copy. I got some awesome new author photos. For The Frisky, I wrote that I’m really bad at being […]