A when-it-rains-it-pours weekend

Feast or famine, or any other number of cliches.

Really it started Thursday night. I had class, then went over to H.’s, which is practically next door. He had invited me over for a “late supper” – he made a sort of paella with veggies and seafood. It was very good.

Friday night I went out with YP, his sister, and friend. We hit a gay bar in Chelsea, which was lots of fun. I had just two vodka tonics but was pretty much drunk and then hungover the next day.

H. had called twice Friday night but I didn’t get home till midnight so I called him the next morning. We both planned on writing all day so he suggested us writing together, such a cute idea, like college. I went to his place since he needed his books and all I needed was my laptop, notebook, and brain.

Without the distractions of my apartment – the TV, magazines, DVDs, CDs, etc. – I was able to get a lot of work done, like a ridiculous number of pages. Whether or not those are any good is another question.

The next morning I met up with YP again, for brunch. Afterwards we did a little shopping before he went off to the gym and I went home and had a little nap before heading out to my eyebrow waxing.

It’s not the first time I’ve had my brows waxed but it was no less painful, especially after the actually waxing when she’s plucking, plucking, plucking. Right now my face feels a little bald but I’ll get used to it.

Afterwards I walked around, getting a book I needed for class and picking up Korean for dinner. At home I had a guilt-free lazy evening since I had done so much writing the day before. I attempted the Sunday Times crossword puzzle (pathetic attempt) and watched some of Godfather I and II.

Went to bed ridiculously early, around 9:30. I woke up naturally at 5:30 and I should have gotten up to go to the gym but felt lazy. I’ve been really bad about working out lately. Hopefully I can hit it at lunchtime; if not, then after work.


  1. I planning on trying out eyebrow waxing. Sounds like fun.

  2. I couldn’t make my eyebrow waxing appointment making it a good 41.5 years since I have had anything waxed.

    I watched a bit of Godfather on the weekend too. Was a shock seeing Al Pacino look so young and not yelling every sentence.

  3. cool that you and h are still hanging out. sometimes taking it slow can be exactly what you need….

  4. zydecofish: if you do any kind of waxing, you’ll have to let us know the results.

    running42k: i thought the same thing about al pacino! though in godfather 2, he seems to start to yell more.

    jayfish: yeah, very cool. i think i basically got ahead of myself and flipped my lid last week. not that my original concerns still aren’t concerns but they’re not at the extreme as they were last week.

  5. Man, that’s a busy weekend!

    I had my brows waxed once. I felt too naked to do it again. It felt like they were WAY too far apart. Not that I have a unibrow or anything!! ;)

    Now I just tweeze.