So I dressed up after all

I had no plans to, but then class was canceled at the last minute, and MB said his friends were having a party.

I haven’t dressed up in YEARS. No: DECADES. The last time was probably when I was 15 when a friend and I put on her father’s jackets and ties and hats, drew on moustaches, and went trick or treating in drag.

I had nothing in my closet, aside from an Elvira-ish dress, but without wig or makeup is just a long black dress. Luckily a lingerie (read: slutty) store was open nearby so I went with the inappropriate schoolgirl outfit, and added my own “accessories” (little back pack, librarian glasses).

Unimaginative but what the hell. I got to show off my abs. ;)

MB went as Satan: black suit, red shirt with bright red tie, glue-on horns, and this skullhead walking stick which he just happens to have (don’t ask). His costume went over really well. Complete strangers kept commenting on it.

“I’ll see you later!” the security guard as Jimi Hendrix (maybe?) said.

“Cool!” a garbage man (a real one) applauded.

“I know you!” some random drunk guy told him.

This pirate woman on the subway snapped his pic. He’ll probably appear in some random Flickr stream.

But like a complete doofus, I totally forgot to take pictures. Derh.

It was very weird to be walking around in public dressed up like that. People stared but it’s like, hey, it’s Halloween. This middle-aged Asian couple totally gave me disapproving glares. Haha.


  1. Yay – show off those abs! :)
    No need to be apologetic about having normal costumes. Just thing of how just a day later and you can’t get away with it.

  2. That was a nice visual to start off a Monday morning. Thanks.