I felt it early this morning. I turned my head, felt a little dizzy, opened my eyes, and they were doing the spinning thing. But not bad. So I thought, Maybe not, although yesterday I did feel off with pressure in my sinuses.
I couldn’t get back to sleep. I kept thinking, What if it’s back? Finally, I “tested” it. I rolled onto my left side: slightly dizzy but okay. Then my right: okay. . .okay. . .it’s baaaaack.
In one way, it’s okay because I know what it is, what to do about it, and how long it will last (a week to ten days). In another way, it’s annoying and depressing. I hate the constant light-headed feeling, having to experience the vertigo while doing my exercises, and being limited physically.
There goes today’s workout.
At least I’m not working at the office today. I can do my dumb little therapy and call a doctor to make an appointment. Hopefully I’ll find one who knows about BPPV and won’t try to prescribe me anything.
I’m not sure what caused this bout. I know once you have BPPV, you can have recurrences and there’s basically nothing you can do to prevent it. My personal theory is that tilting my head back a lot brings it on, which I did when I put up shower curtains on Sunday, and have been doing a lot playing Xmahjongg on our other computer, which is also our TV. To be able to see the screen for the game, I sit on the floor and tilt my head upwards for long stretches of time.
But this is just my guess.
Of course I should be able to put my head in any position for as long as I want without any problem. But I guess since I had that virus which gave me BPPV, I’m more susceptible to misplaced ear crystals.
In other news, I have a new post over at The Nervous Breakdown. It has nothing to do with vertigo.
That sucks. Hope it goes away soon.,