I don’t want to speak too soon, but the vertigo seems to be going away.
Yesterday I felt pretty crummy: light-headed, groggy (though that may have been the motion sickness meds), and a little nauseous. But then I did my therapy, which usually brings on several bouts of vertigo (necessary in order to be rid of it) but I didn’t experience any. Maybe just the tiniest bit of nystagmus. I slept semi-inclined, just in case, and this morning, while still groggier than usual, I felt much better.
My plan is to keep doing my therapy for at least a week, sleep semi-inclined for one or two more nights, and see the doctor on Friday. He may or may not know anything about BPPV, but at least I should just get myself checked out. I’m not taking any meds though, that’s for sure.
I was surprisingly productive yesterday, despite not feeling well.
- I wrote a draft for my next Frisky article. It’s too long and meanders, but at least I have something on paper.
- I bought groceries and much-needed TP.
- I did a load of laundry.
- I wrote a draft for my next Nervous Breakdown post. Suddenly inspired while I was, of all things, folding laundry, I jammed out the piece in under a couple of hours. When you’re inspired, you’re inspired.