My date?

It went well. Very very very well. Yikes.

I’m trying to take this slowly (ie, not “that,” at least not yet) but . . . basically what should have been a 2-hour lunch date turned into an 8-hour lunch, dinner, and etc date. Lots of talking – so much that by the end I was hoarse – and he cooked.

But, like Regina Spektor, right now I have one foot on the ground. Right now I’m protecting my heart truly.

Is it real, or just one of those short-lived, albeit intense, connections? Guess there’s only one way to find out.

We made a date for later this week. Choices were Wednesday and Friday. We settled on Wednesday, and only later I realized that’s Valentine’s Day.

Good grief.

I don’t think he realized what day it was either. At least I hope not.

We’ll see.


  1. Wow! It’s one of those whirlwind dates I hear about. No pressure, but that seems like a good sign. You’re good in not letting it go to your head too fast.

    That’s funny about the 14th. You have to wonder if he also went home and realized what day you two agreed upon. Regardless, just enjoy yourself.

  2. So glad to hear that your first date was so good! =) Gotta love the date that won’t end. It might be awkward if you’re at a restaurant on Wednesday and get approached as if you’re a real/established couple but I really hope you have a nice time on your second date, too. =)

  3. marathon dates are wonderful. :)

  4. Wow. Cool. (I’ll just pretend I know who Regina Spektor is).

  5. thanks, guys, for the positive take on the marathon date! i’ve mostly been worrying that maybe it’s moving too fast and will crash and burn before i know it.

    zydecofish, voila, regina spector. her current single is “fidelity.”

  6. That’s awesome! As long as you have one foot on the ground it’s all good (btw- love regina spektor). I have a friend who’s first date was something like that, over a year later and they are still dating ;)
    And maybe the valentine’s day date is a sign…..

  7. great news on the date! and regina has been on heavy rotation on my ipod for a while now. good choice!

  8. Eight hours, very cool.

  9. The only thing better than a marathon first date is a second date on Valentines Day! Try to be positive and not worry about everything crashing. Just let things develop at whatever speed makes you comfortable.

    Good luck! And Happy Valentines Day!

  10. Nothing like ‘taking it easy’ and then booking your next date for Valentine’s day. Yeah, no pressure! :)

    Very happy to hear it went well. It’s so awesome when things begin as one thing (ie two hour date) and evolve into something completely different.

  11. he could have been subtle about the valentine’s day :) that’s actually a lot of pressure, for the 2nd date to be vday, but it sounds like you guys will likely have another great time!! good luck!!

  12. Yay! Going out on Valentine’s Day can be fun when you first start dating because there’s no pressure. Once on a Valentine’s Day date, we saw three couples break out into huge fights. One girl even threw her bouquet of roses on the ground and stomped on them. Watching other couples fight is always a lot of fun – especially when you’re in that “we’ve never had a fight” stage.

  13. i don’t think he booked the 14th on purpose. it was like when are we both free? oh, wed or fri? well, wed’s sooner so let’s meet then. :)

    plue, i totally agree that it’s actually less pressure than when i was in a full-fledged relationship. there are no expectations because we just met and it wasn’t planned on purpose.

    i will keep my eye out for fighting couples. ;)