Jan 08

Too cool for school

Last night was my first day of library school.

The classes I’m taking this semester are Introduction to Information Professions and Knowledge Organization. Last night was the Information Professions class, which will be an overview of the different professions available in library and information sciences, ethics and core values, as well as background on the way different libraries and info centers work. All of that is excellent for me as I have zero knowledge about this.

There’s lots of reading, a few papers, some field observation (which is esentially going to a library or info center and noting what works and what doesn’t work), and two presentations. Not bad, I guess.

One of our assignments is to find a library blog or wiki or listserv, monitor its activity for six weeks, and for each of those six weeks, post an article or whatever on the class blog. Luckily through my blog buds is just how I got the idea of pursuing library science so finding a library blog should be no problem. The only challenge is finding one that’s right for me.

As with every class, there are a few dumbasses. For instance there’s this old bat whom I first saw when waiting in line to get my student ID over the weekend. Someone was saying that a Barnes & Noble is closing in Chelsea. The old bat said, “Is it reopening?”

“No, it’s closing down completely.”
The old bat: “Well, what will we do? Where will we go?”
“Well, there’s another Barnes & Noble in Union Square.”

Yeah, and on every other frigging block.

As an ice breaker for class, we went around the room, said our names, and the last good book we read. The old bat’s response?

“I’m not such a big reader. Not of books anyway.”

Um, you understand this is library school? You know, the library? The place where they keep all the BOOKS?

The only book yours truly could think of was Baise-Moi. If you know French and/or the book/movie, you know exactly what I’m talking about, and why it probably wasn’t a good idea to cite that book the very first time I opened my mouth to the class. Of course afterwards I realized I’ve read like three books since that one.

So far I like the professor. She’s very knowledgeable in both the traditional library sense, as well as technology-wise. She didn’t hand out any syllabi or copies of her presentation. Instead she pointed as to a website she made, where we can download everything.

The old bat had a very hard time grasping this concept. “You mean I can get all of this out of a computer?” Then she thought it was just the computer in the classroom, till the professor very patiently explained that you see, there’s this thing called the Internet?


Knowledge Organization is on Thursday.

As for the weekend, it was good. Saturday was my orientation/registration, which was fine. I was a bit nervous because I had turned in my immunization papers so late, but my account was clear.

Afterwards I met up with MB. He needed something for his guitar while I wanted to check out a different size for a fancy schmancy dress I bought for the fancy schmancy dinner we were having that night, which was sort of part of his annual bonus.

The dinner was very nice. It was fun to get all dressed up, though MB did get mistaken for a waiter, and the food was very good, especially the dessert, a chocolate souffle with three kinds of gelato. But P*ong was actually better overall. More unusual bang for the buck.

Sunday we had lunch with SB and Ellie. Ellie was very well-behaved. No tantrums in the diner. I think this was partly cuz MB was giving her lots of attention, helping her play with this puzzle she had brought along.

Over the weekend, we also rented a couple of movies, Casshern and The Host. Casshern was gorgeous to look at though extremely trippy, even more so since I was half asleep. The Host was very good, both funnier and more serious than I expected.

Our team meeting was canceled today! Woohoo! Now I have just two meetings, which should be relatively painless.

Dec 07

A quick and final 2007 post

So glad I took the day off today. My entire team is out, including my boss, though knowing him he’ll probably be sending bullshit emails all day and late into the night. Loser.

MB and I saw more movies this weekend. Sweeney Todd, which was pretty good, though Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter can’t really sing, and The Orphanage, which wasn’t as scary as I thought it was going to be.

Yesterday ES came into the city, and so we, MB, and YP all had dinner at Spoonbread. First time meeting the friends! It was pretty relaxed and fun overall, though I was a bit nervous. It’s the first time I’m introducing anyone to my friends since my ex. Crazy.

ES stayed over, and this morning we hung out with SB. Ellie was at her grandparents’ so we missed seeing her. At the same time though, it was nice to be able to have a peaceful meal and catch up without a three year old demanding attention or throwing food.

This afternoon I’ve been watching the Anthony Bourdain No Reservations marathon. Excellent! Now I’m totally hungry.

Tonight MB and I will be bar hopping in his area. Since neither of us drink – I’ll probably have one or two – it’ll be fun to observe all the drunk idiots. Maybe I’ll bring my camera.

Nov 07

Great weekend with ES

And it’s not over! I’m here at the office just this morning, and will meet up with ES at 1 for lunch and to hang out till she leaves at 5.

She came in Saturday afternoon, which we spent mostly just chilling, chatting, and eating, standard operating procedures. That evening we went to see YP’s naked comedy show. It was pretty funny this time. YP was funny as well as the other comedian, though the improv group was dumb.

The host was somewhat funny, but he did too much audience harrassment, including yours truly since I was sitting in the very first row, and as a result of much embarrassment and uncomfortable-ness managed to totally insult the guy.

Him: On a scale of 1 to 10, how turned on are you?
NOTE: He asked how “turned on” I was, not how attractive he was, so I said: Negative five.
Him: Five?
Me: NEGATIVE five.
Audience: Groan! Low blow! blah blah blah

Yeah, fuck you all.

Then he couldn’t let it go! He made some comment like c’mon he looked like John Lennon, I could be his Yoko Ono (cuz THAT’S not offensive), and mixed race babies were cute. I just kept thinking, Please stop, please stop, please stop. I mean, I hope I’m the kind of person who can laugh at herself, but I thought he just went on too long with it.

Aside from that it was fun. A bunch of us went out for eats and drinks afterwards, and had a blast talking about outrageous things and cracking up.

The next day ES and I were up bright and early to meet her other friends to go marathon-hopping. They knew a couple of people who were running so we were basically trailing them.
It was exhausting! Next year I’ll just run the marathon and be less tired. We went all the way out to Brooklyn, saw their friends, then hopped back on the train for another part of Brooklyn, which was a challenge cuz none of us are familiar with that borough.

ES was asking a cop how to get somewhere, and this random lady with really bad blue eyeliner was like, “Where are you from?”

ES: Jersey.
Random blue eyeliner lady: Jersey! And you don’t know Brooklyn?

Um, I’ve lived in New York for nine years and I don’t know frigging Brooklyn. Later ES told me the lady was drunk. I THOUGHT I smelled cheap malt liquor. Note it was about 11 in the morning.

After our second stop in Brooklyn, we headed up to the Bronx, and hung out there for about an hour. My mom called while we were there:

Me: I’m with ES watching the marathon.
Mom: You’re watching the marathon, or are you. . .?
Me: Yes, Mom, I’m running the marathon at this very moment. I’ve been training all this time, didn’t you know?

At least she laughed about it.

Our last stop was Central Park South. After a while, ES’s friend took off for home while we tried to get to the finish line. Impossible (in a French accent)! So we ended up walking through this random car tunnel to get to the east side. Felt like we were in some zombie movie, hoofing through a place we weren’t supposed to be, creepy long shadows everywhere, marathon-finishers hobbling stiffly alongside us.

We dropped by SB’s and hung out and played with Ellie for a bit. Well, longer than a bit. ES was nice enough to help SB and Ellie with a bath. Meanwhile I sat in the next room and texted and chatted with MB, who was struggling with replacing his toilet seat. When he finally got it on, he was so happy he sent over a picture of the successfully replaced seat. So cute.

You know I have it bad when I think a new toilet seat is cute.

By the time we left, ES and I were both pooped so we just picked up burgers and chilled at my place with good episodes of Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters.

I have one meeting today at 12 – for 30 minutes! That’s the main reason I came in. I should have just had it rescheduled and taken the whole day. So disorganized lately.

Sep 07

Such a slowpoke this week

I’ve actually been busy at work these couple of days with all this training, and I keep starting and stopping this post.

Weekend update. Friday I “worked from home,” which involved a conference call at 9 and then answering a bunch of emails. Done by 11! Managed to do a load of laundry before hanging out with SB and daughter Ellie. Had lunch at a diner nearby and then in the Park.

Ellie was cute as she ran through the sprinklers and played on the jungle gym. At one point, a whole slew of little girls in private school uniforms descended. Whenever any approached her, Ellie would get very tentative, watching them with her big eyes, but still open and friendly. I’d be scared of the big girls in uniforms too.

Later I had a 6 mile run, then was just a bum. Saturday I got some writing done in the morning at my favorite Starbuck’s, till a mom and her toddler shared my table. I don’t mind sharing but the mom and kid kept doing the same thing over and over, as follows:

Mom: “Wanna eat? Say yes.”
Girl: “Yes.”
One spoonful of applesauce engaged.
Girl (squrim squirm): Daddy!
Mom, setting girl down: Okay, go.
Girl takes one step forward, falls back on Mom. Mom picks girl up.
“Wanna eat? Say yes.”
Girl: “Yes.”

Again and again and again. Got to the point that I just had to leave. It was getting there anyway with my sore butt on the hard chair.

Sunday was packed. First thing in the morning I had the Race for the Cure. Although it’s just 5K, for some reason I was anxious the night before. Maybe I was worried about waking up on time.

Unfortunately it was kind of a warm morning, with too much sun. Waiting around is always annoying, especially since I’m processing fluids really quickly. Bathroom, thirsty, bathroom, thirsty.

But I was hydrated enough when the race started. Next time I beginning in the 9 minute mile portion. I stuck myself in the very crowded 10+ minute mile part, and when I finally started running, was held back by the slow pokes and walkers. Even had a near collision when another runner and I tried to get around a couple of walkers at the same time.

It seemed even more crowded than other years. Wasn’t till after the first mile that people started to spread out. This summer’s “training” made the 3.1 miles pretty easy. 28 minutes. Not bad I guess.

I made it to Port Authority in plenty of time. YP and I were heading out to Edgewater, NJ of all places to see this art festival his friend’s husband was participating in. Just finding the right bus was a challenge. I thought it was like a train station where you could get a ticket from any machine. But no! Luckily we were pointed to the right place and got the tickets on the bus.

But our adventure didn’t stop there. The schedule showed that our stop was third, so logically we got off at the third stop. Turns out it was way too soon. The schedule neglected to show all the piddly stops in between the main ones. We ended up walking in the heat for a billion years to get to where we wanted to get to. Luckily we did though, and ended up burning loads of calories and getting a tan in the process.

After showing our support to the art world, we stopped for something to eat and drink, and to escape the heat. Edegwater seems weird to me, either young families or super old people. Definitely not a city, but not quite a suburb either. Then we found the stop we were supposed to get off at, which was right outside where the art festival was.

But that wasn’t the end! One of our friends who’s an opera singer was giving a concert. That was at a lovely and peaceful church on the Upper West Side. It was great to sit and stuff our faces with complimentary brownies and drinks. The music was nice though I did find myself almost falling asleep a couple of times.

By the time I got home, I was exhausted, between no sleep, running the race, and all that walking the sun. Took a shower and inhaled dinner, then was in bed by eight. That’s right: eight. Asleep by 8:30.

I’m dying for a haircut! My hair dresser keeps canceling on me, the bastard. But he’s the only one who can cut my hair properly. Took me about 2 years to find him.

Aug 07

The weekend didn’t go quite as planned

But it was still a nice one.

ES ended up going straight to New Jersey Thursday night. Unfortunately SB got sick and wasn’t able to host her, and I had the concert. ES said she wouldn’t mind staying at my place on her own, and I said great! since SB had extra keys. Unfortunately she couldn’t find them. That’s awesome in case I ever get locked out.

The concert was pretty fun, though it wasn’t so much a concert as a 30-minute performance at the end of a long evening. Portions of it were entertaining, like the fashion show and the lip synching drag queens, but parts were tortuous, like all the awards given out and long-ass speeches. (It was a fund raiser for Pride in the City.)

En Vogue was great. They performed all of their hits: My Lovin’, Free Your Mind (my fave!), Giving Him Something He Can Feel, Hold On, Don’t Go, and one or two others I didn’t quite recognize. They’re excellent performers.

Even though ES wasn’t around, it was good I had Friday off since I didn’t get home from the concert till about 1. YP had taken to day off too, so that morning I helped him take some pix for the flyer for his next stand up comedy show. Afterwards I hung around Union Square, going to the Strand, the comic book store, and an Asian market.

Saturday I had to wait around for the exterminator. I hate it when he gets there so late (about 1 this time). By the time he finished, I had total cabin favor.

I went to the Met. Looked at the Poiret exhibit as well as the Asian Art wing. I always like checking out the Buddhas. Plus that part of the museum is icy in the summer, a nice reprieve from hot yucky weather.

Besides Poiret and the Buddhas, I had another celebrity sighting at the Met: Lucy Liu. As she walked by, I thought, That looks a lot like Lucy Liu. Then she smiled and I knew it was her. She’s a wisp of a girl. Probably not more than 5 feet tall and 90 pounds soaking wet. She was with some supercute hipster boy.

That’s the third celebrity sighting I’ve had in as many weeks. Two weekends ago it was Derek Jeter at the Starbuck’s near my house, and then Tony Danza in Central Park. Tony Danza looked kinda weird. He had his shirt off and is definitely in shape, but he seemed almost too wiry. And although he was reading, he kept smiling to himself, like he knew people were watching him.

After the museum, I headed home. I balanced my checkbook (finally!) and paid some bills, including my rent. I have $190 to last me till 8/15. Yikes! I have savings as well but I don’t want to touch that – anymore. I’ve been dipping into savings all summer and I hate myself for it. Buying that MacBook really pushed me over the edge, plus the little trips I’ve taken and the slew of running clothes I’ve bought.

Around 6 I headed out for a run. It was pretty toasty so I was a bit worried, but it was actually all right. The trees in the Park do such a good job of providing shade. I think I started out more conservatively than usual because at the Public Theatre, which is my 2/3 way mark, I thought, Already?

At the end of the 6.1 miles, I still had some energy so I jogged up to the Reservoir entrance, about half a mile, then once around, 1.58 miles. So in total a little over 8 miles. Yay! I used to run 7 or 8 miles at a time when I lived in Boston, which was almost 10 years ago and on a treadmill. To do it outside with some challenging hills felt really good.

The next day was the NYC Half-Marathon. I saw people coming out of it and really wanted to be one of them! Next year, totes. In the meantime I’m gonna look for a 10K. I have a 5K in September, the annual Race for the Cure.

As I was walking out of the Park, I saw this squirrel sitting in the middle of the pathway. Usually they run off when you come anywhere near them, but it didn’t move even when I got up close. Squirrels are fluffy-tailed rats to me, so I slowed down, wary about its next move.

It jerked towards me, which me jump, and then finally ran away. The guy walking behind me was laughing. Nice squirrel.

Sunday morning I worked on my writing, and in the afternoon went to Asia Society to see this film exhibition, which was closing that day. It’s a Taiwanese filmmaker, Chen Chieh-Jen, and the films are silent, extremely artsy performance pieces.

I understood the ones that took place in old factories, but I really didn’t get one that starred himself in a factory, making prints. Then there was one that was a live re-enactment of a photograph of lingchi, which is a Chinese form of torture. Basically, criminals were slowly dismembered till they bled to death. Nice.

Had a quiet evening in, reading and listening to This American Life. Watched more of The Two Coreys, despite myself.

Haven’t heard yet about the job. Will call HR tomorrow morning. In the meantime, my boss sent me a document that is supposed to help me justify my getting a promotion. Hmmm. . .

Aug 07

The blogging blahs

I’ve been kinda busy, but I don’t feel there’s much to write about.

Monday night I couldn’t sleep for some reason. Got into bed at 10:30 but then was wide awake. After about 45 minutes, I said screw it, got up, and watched the new episode of Anthony Bourdain’s show. Shanghai, China. Of course it made me really hungry. By the time I fell asleep it was 1. :(

Tuesday night I saw Hairspray with YP. It was very entertaining. At first I thought it was such a dumb idea – a movie based on a musical based on a movie. Yeah, yeah, The Producers was done that way too, but that doesn’t make it a good idea. But I thoroughly enjoyed the new Hairspray.

It was funny cuz when I got home, the original version was on TV. It was interesting to see how much darker, sexier, and more tasteless it is in comparison.

Wednesday morning I had my *fifth* interview for the position I started interviewing for last week. It was with the coworker I disliked, but she was perfectly pleasant during our talk. We spent more time gossiping about old colleagues than actually interviewing. I should find out tomorrow.

That afternoon I finally worked out. I hadn’t since Sunday. Afterwards I was exhausted and starving, and so ended up picking up a burger and onion rings. Bad bad. Also finally got my laundry and dry cleaning, which have been languishing for weeks.

My dry cleaner, who is Chinese, will be going to Hong Kong for about 10 days. Her father died recently. I said I was sorry, and suddenly she was talking about it like crazy, how she almost didn’t see him before he died, how she was at his bedside when he passed, how his heart stopped, then started beating again for 10 minutes, enough time for all his children and grandchildren to gather.

I felt bad for her, but at the same time, my laundry stuff was really heavy, my burger was getting cold, and I had to pee in the worst way. But obviously she felt like talking.

Got another workout in just a little while ago. Tonight YP and I will be going to an En Vogue concert, the original line-up I believe. Tomorrow I have off. Woohoo! ES will be in town.

I’m so tired of this weather. The worst is getting ready in the morning. By the time I get dressed, I’m sweating bullets. Waiting in the subway station is especially bad. Can’t wait for chilly fall.

I guess I did have stuff to write about after all.

Jul 07

What weekend?

Not that it was busy. More like one minute it was morning and I was vegging in front of my computer, and the next it was five hours later.

Thursday and Friday were pretty busy, between coming back from the meeting in Chicago, my office move, interviews, and a semi-big meeting I ran Friday afternoon. By Friday night, I crashed and just did laundry, then chilled with my book and TV.

Saturday was the day I managed to do almost nothing till about 4. My one accomplishment was cleaning the bathroom, no small feat I guess. Late afternoon I ran a couple of errands. It was so hot and humid, by the time I got home, the last thing I wanted to do was go back outside. Cleaned more.

Sunday I was finally able to get it together and write a little, though not as much as I wanted. Another humid day, though cloudy and not as hot. Had lunch with SB and company. Was going to go to the Park to write, but it was pouring by the time we left the restaurant. Went home and finished cleaning. Cleaning my place really kills a whole weekend.

I finished up around 5, and by then the downpour had slowed to a drizzle so I headed out for a run. Since I hadn’t had one since Tuesday, it was fairly manageable. Plus there was no sun. I’d rather have a steady drizzle than sun. I was going to run the Reservoir but there were too many giant puddles. The lovely Loop instead.

Didn’t pull any muscles, but I did have some stomach issues. Literally had to sprint home and up three flights of stairs. Made it in time! Whew. That would have been really embarrassing, not to mention disgusting.

Watched The Two Coreys last night. It wasn’t that entertaining. Corey Feldman’s wife came off as really uptight. Corey Feldman looks kinda good, I have to say. Corey Haim looks like a washed up frat boy. Both still look pretty young though.

I can’t believe it’s been 20 years since The Lost Boys. That’s so wrong.

Had my last interview today. Four for one position. I’ll hear at the end of the week.

Sushi for lunch. Wholly unsatisfying. I need something dessert-like, and yogurt’s not gonna cut it.

Jul 07

Sunday quick-scramble

Gorgeous weather makes all the difference in the world.

Yesterday morning I did the writing-at-Starbuck’s thing, getting there earlier than I usually do, by 9:30. About an hour later, I looked up to see – Derek Jeter! He was on his way out with big iced coffee in hand. No one in the cafe seemed to notice, and if there was any hubbub beforehand, I didn’t hear it since I had my headphones on.

At first I thought, That guy looks a hell of a lot like Derek Jeter. Then outside someone came up and shook his hand, and then someone else asked for his autograph so that pretty much guarunteed it.

Later in the afternoon I had my Loop run. It was quite sunny so the run was a bit tougher than usual. But my knee and hamstring didn’t bother me much at all.

I had my first encounter with an annoying fellow runner. He was pretty far ahead of me, but when we hit a hill, I was able to slowly close in on him, not on purpose or anything. I wasn’t even paying attention, but suddenly I was right behind him. I know it’s annoying to have someone running in your blind spot, so I pulled ahead.

Then he decided we were competing and caught up to me, and ran right next to me. It’s like, dude, either go slower or faster, I don’t want you as a running partner, thank you very much. So I forced myself to pull ahead again, going faster than I wanted. Luckily I didn’t poop out towards the end.

On my walk back home, I saw that SB, her hubby, and Ellie were sitting outside their building, eating popsicles. The Manhattan equivalent of sitting on a porch on a summer evening. I had a popsicle too – which surprisingly hit the spot – and suffered Ellie putting her freezing cold hands on me every two seconds.

This morning is writing and maybe some pilates if I can squeeze it in. This afternoon YP and I are heading to Central Park to take pictures.

I wish I had my camera yesterday when I was in the Park; I had to make do with my cell phone when I saw this dog sitting on a bench like a person.

You can barely make out the German shepard on the left. He has his back to me.

I have to get back in the habit of carrying my camera everywhere.

Jul 07

Rambling on Friday

No Boston for me :( I have to wait for the darned exterminator on Saturday. I tried to get him to come earlier this week but understandably they’re short-staffed.

I ended up not checking out the fireworks on Wednesday. In the late afternoon, I ran in the Park although it was raining. But really it was only drizzling and the trees provided good coverage.

On Sunday I ran 5 miles of the 6.1 Loop. Wednesday I wasn’t sure if I had the energy so I hit the Reservoir path instead, which is 1.58 miles. I think I ended up doing 5 miles again.

When I finished, it started raining really hard, and the several-block walk back to my apartment kind of sucked. Oh well.

I’m feeling sort of addicted to running in the Park. I thought about going again yesterday although my hamstring sort of hurt and I needed a rest. Didn’t go, mostly cuz I didn’t have time.

I also started doing pilates again. I feel like I’m losing both flexibility and strength, hence the aching hamstring. Pilates is HARD. I have a DVD, but I guess it’s been about two years since I’ve done it, and I was sweating bullets. Plus I’d like to do yoga more often. I only do it once a month or so, basically when I remember.

The challenge is my apartment is pretty small. I need to move my coffee table out of the way in order to do anything.

Yesterday I bought a pilates mat. My hardwood floor, even with rug and four towels, is killer on my bones. I figure the mat can double for yoga as well.

Rambling rambling.

Work is absolutely dead today. I’ll work on some writing, then hit the gym this afternoon. Oh yeah, last night YP and I went to this birthday party at this bar in Tribeca (straight one this time, where, ironically, the guys were available but far less attractive). Swanky! That whole area is adorable, very unlike Manhattan: wide streets, townhouses instead of highrises or walk-ups – I never knew it existed.

Speaking of Manhattan, that’s what I had. Woo! Yummy but strong. Maybe I drank it too quickly, but afterwards, I basically couldn’t feel my hands. That feeling faded though. It helped to down a club soda and gorge myself with some pesto pizza.

Mmm, pizza.

Jul 07

Crushing on the wild man

I have to admit, I’ve started watching Man vs Wild, in which this guy Bear – his real name? who knows – gets set down in the middle of nowhere with no provisions and must survive on his own. In past episodes he’s eaten sheep eyeball, maggots, snakes, and has even squeezed the liquid out of elephant dung – into his mouth (don’t ask).

But my favorite clip so far is the above in which he’s in the Swiss Alps and demonstrates how to survive a fall into icy water. First, after pulling oneself out, one must remove all of one’s cold, sopping clothing, including one’s Union Jack underpants, and then do naked push ups in the snow. Hot.

Hmm, how many months since my last date?

~ ~ ~

Last night YP and I had a drink at a gay bar, but for some reason I kept forgetting it was a gay bar and kept making eyes at a variety of non-straight men. Usually, I’m quite aware of my surroundings. Maybe it’s cuz the last time I went out drinking was at a variety of heterosexual establishments with my brother and his girl. Or maybe cuz I was hammered.

Apparently it takes just one and a half gin and tonics to get me this way. True, the drinks were gasoline strong, but I had a bellyful of David Burke’s chili and pasta to soak it all up.

Needless to say, this morning I had some trouble getting up. Hopefully I’ll be able to get at least some writing done, but I’ve a feeling it’ll be a mostly sitting around the Park and reading kind of day. I may or may not check out the fireworks. Depends on if I’m feeling hearty enough to stand the crowds.

Oh yeah: happy fourth of July. What better way to celebrate than to post a a video with a nekkid British guy hanging up his Union Jack skivvies?