Feast or famine, or any other number of cliches.
Really it started Thursday night. I had class, then went over to H.’s, which is practically next door. He had invited me over for a “late supper” – he made a sort of paella with veggies and seafood. It was very good.
Friday night I went out with YP, his sister, and friend. We hit a gay bar in Chelsea, which was lots of fun. I had just two vodka tonics but was pretty much drunk and then hungover the next day.
H. had called twice Friday night but I didn’t get home till midnight so I called him the next morning. We both planned on writing all day so he suggested us writing together, such a cute idea, like college. I went to his place since he needed his books and all I needed was my laptop, notebook, and brain.
Without the distractions of my apartment – the TV, magazines, DVDs, CDs, etc. – I was able to get a lot of work done, like a ridiculous number of pages. Whether or not those are any good is another question.
The next morning I met up with YP again, for brunch. Afterwards we did a little shopping before he went off to the gym and I went home and had a little nap before heading out to my eyebrow waxing.
It’s not the first time I’ve had my brows waxed but it was no less painful, especially after the actually waxing when she’s plucking, plucking, plucking. Right now my face feels a little bald but I’ll get used to it.
Afterwards I walked around, getting a book I needed for class and picking up Korean for dinner. At home I had a guilt-free lazy evening since I had done so much writing the day before. I attempted the Sunday Times crossword puzzle (pathetic attempt) and watched some of Godfather I and II.
Went to bed ridiculously early, around 9:30. I woke up naturally at 5:30 and I should have gotten up to go to the gym but felt lazy. I’ve been really bad about working out lately. Hopefully I can hit it at lunchtime; if not, then after work.
Mar 07
A when-it-rains-it-pours weekend
Feb 07
Supersized recap
Nice and rather packed weekend.
It was Chinese New Year, the year of the Golden Pig, and so my parents had a little party. Normally they don’t do anything, but since it was a long weekend and two of my little cousins are in the area attending medical school and college, they thought it a good opportunity to get the family together.
I think everyone felt a bit weird upon seeing me, the first time since the divorce. All stiff and big smiles: “Um, hi, how are you?” Only the wife of my youngest uncle felt comfortable enough to ask me if I was dating now or what. I told her I’d met someone cool recently, she asked if he were Chinese, I said no, and then I cut off the conversation because my mother was like right there.
Sunday my parents and I went shopping. I finally got a NaNo. I planned on getting the blue but it’s brasher than the blue mini. For some reason, I really liked the red. Plus part of those proceeds go to fight AIDS in Africa. That night I had dinner with AY. We went to this Japanese place I remember liking, but actually it was terrible.
The teriyaki chicken wasn’t like teriyaki chicken at all, just fried pieces of meat. The shumai weren’t light but heavy like dumplings. Plus the service was bad. We were seated next to some “VIPs” whom the owner kept chatting up, and we kept getting ignored. But it was fun to catch up with AY.
Meanwhile, things continue to go well with H. We hung out Friday night, spoke Sunday night, and hung out last night. He’s sick, poor thing. Hopefully I won’t catch it though that would only be by some miracle. However, there’s a chance I was a wee bit sick last weekend and gave it to him. This would be the second tiny cold I’ve gotten over quickly but managed to give to someone else who got out and out sick (the other was my dad).
Thursday night one of his friends is having a birthday party and he asked if I wanted to go. Wow: someone who actually wants me to interact with their friends.
I remember a couple of weeks after I started dating C., I asked if he wanted to go to this improv show my friend was in. He basically freaked out, then felt guilty about it and agreed to go. I was like, Dude, don’t do me any favors, though at the same time, What’s the big deal? He wouldn’t admit though that his freakout had to do with meeting with the friends.
Towards the end of our little fling, which was about 2 months, it was his birthday and he had a party. But did he invite me? Nope. Of course that was the end of that.
I never met any of DK’s friends either. By then I was a lot more careful and didn’t assume that we’d be venturing into that territory. He didn’t let me into his life, like he’d get a voicemail while we were together, check it, and not comment on it.
Not that I need to know all the details, but if it were me I’d say, “Oh, that was my friend, he/she wanted to know. . .” Once I dreamed that DK and I were riding an elevator together, and when he checked his cell phone, he covered it and turned his back to me.
H. has been the opposite of this. I keep feeling like, “Oh, so this is how it should be.”
Feb 07
Mindless drivel
I’ve had a good amount of both social and quiet time this week.
Wednesday night I had dinner with PL at her parents’ restaurant on the Upper West Side, which was fun, both to catch up and because I’d never been there before.
Friday night I met up with YP. We went to his friend’s improv group, which opened for another one. As with improv, sometimes it’s kinda funny and sometimes it’s really not. In college I went to at least one performance, and I remember it being hilarious. Was that particular group funnier, or was I more forgiving? Probably the latter.
Yesterday morning I wrote a tiny bit and wasted a lot of time playing this game Jayfish posted about (damn you, Jayfish!). I did manage to get out of the house and 1) pick up a movie for later, 2) check out frames at Pier 1 (limited selection), and 3) check out the Design Life Now, National Design Triennial at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. Number 3 was pretty cool, though you couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting a hipster art student.
While I was out freezing my butt off, SB called and invited me over for dinner, a pleasant surprise. We ordered in some Mexican – I completely pigged out on Mexican potato skins which were so very good – and gave Ellie a bath.
That little girl has a stubborn streak in her. For some reason, she hates having her diaper changed, but when SB and I put it that she was teaching me how to change her diaper, she was all for it. Ditto the bath.
I left around 8:30 since I still had Little Miss Sunshine to watch. I quite loved it, one of those “small” movies that packs a lot. Funny, deep, moving, all that stuff. Plus all the actors were really good.
“Do what you love,” one of the characters, Dwayne, says. “Fuck the rest.”
Today the plan is to run some errands and try to see The Departed. I have this idea that I want to see as many Oscar nominated movies before the awards. I haven’t done that for years.
Jan 07
Had a great, activity-filled weekend with ES
Friday was freezing cold, but I walked home, needing to stop along the way for a variety of groceries. At my apartment, I cleaned, ate dinner, watched TV, and read, waiting for ES to arrive, which she did after 11:30.
The poor girl had to wait an hour to even get on a bus to a New York, and then there was all the weekend traffic. By the time we got her settled in and chatted a bit, it was after 1. Time to sleep!
The next morning I thought I’d wake up naturally around 8, but I was basically comatose till after 9. We were up because we wanted to get to the Whitney before 11, picking up SB along the way. It’s the last weekend of the Picasso and American Art exhibit, and I was imagining a very long line.
It wasn’t bad. I’ve been by at times that the line goes down the block. Plus the fact that I had my corporate ID meant the shorter line.
No matter what I love museums, but it’s much more fun to go with friends, and being there with ES and SB reminded me of traveling, the same feeling I had going through the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Musee D’Orsay in Paris, the House of the Black Madonna in Prague.
I love that feeling of peace while I look at a painting, listening to the history and inspiration behind it on an audio tour, knowing my friends are nearby. And usually I’m jazzed on coffee because we almost always eat before walking around, a tradition.
This time we ate afterwards, at Sarabeth’s downstairs. Like last time, I had the lox and cream cheese omelet. So frigging good. The mocha and scone weren’t half bad either.
Next we headed downtown. We walked all over, stopping in the Peanut Butter & Company, where we split an Elvis – a deep-fried peanut butter, banana, and bacon sandwich, which would have better with more bacon – and another mocha for me, which turned out to be one too many. Couldn’t finish it. Also picked up a jar of Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter. Yum!
We also stopped in my personal favorite chocolate spot, Jacques Torres, excellent timing as I had just run out of my Wicked Hot Chocolate. We chilled there a bit as well but didn’t ingest anything as we were all so full we couldn’t imagine eating ever again.
That is until we made our way back to the east side and Village Yokocho, a real Japanese place run by Japanese, not Chinese, people. Something about it seemed very authentic to us. The food wasn’t the run of the mill rolls and udons and teriyakis, but weird things like various Japanese pickles. . .
. . .yakitori. . .
okonomiyaki, which ES and I had in Japan and loved.
Being in Village Yokocho made me wistful for Tokyo. I find myself missing the city though I was there for barely a week.
After dinner we headed home and got back pretty early, before 9:30. We agreed to have a lesiurely Sunday. “Don’t call me,” SB said as she headed to her place. “I’ll call you.” Had a relaxing night in, both of us exhausted, though in a good way.
This morning we had a late breakfast at Sable’s, then walked down to Dylan’s Candy Bar. I’ve been there before, and to me it’s not that different any other candy place. Then we walked back uptown, stopping in Molton Brown, Aveda, and Sephora. I got some lovely Molton Brown Warming Eucalyptos shower gel and body scrub. It smells HEAVENLY.
ES left around 5. How quickly my apartment feels quiet and empty. The busyness of everyday life will fill it again soon.
Blah, work tomorrow.
Jan 07
The desk is set up
Enough with the desk already, right? Too bad.
It arrived Friday night at 7:15 so I’m glad I rushed through my workout and got home in time. The boxes were smaller and lighter than I was expecting – the guy was able to carry both at once up to my apartment – so I might have been able to bring them home myself. Oh well.
Before tackling the desk, I first brought my old bookcase downstairs, almost klling myself a couple of times, to leave on the sidwalk. By the next morning it was gone.
The desk was pretty easy to put together, but I was dismayed to find that I’d have to drill a wall mount. Not that I’ve never drilled anything before – my window blinds, towel rack, tie rack appropriated as a necklace holder – but I always find that kind of work a little daunting at first. Of course when I actually did it, it was fine. Not perfect but secure enough.
Now I want to get a matching bookcase. There’s a place in my bedroom that would be perfect for it.
~ ~ ~
In other news, yesterday I had lunch with SB, who was without child. Pork cutlet bento box at Go Sushi – yum! Then we hit a bookstore. It was so cold out, we didn’t last much longer after that. She went home to take a nap while I grabbed a large mocha joe – not as good as the ones I had in L.A. – and went to my place to continue reorganizing my stuff.
That night I went to YP’s birthday party. I met some interesting new people, had a tasty pomegranate cocktail, and some delicious Sweet and Salty Chocolate Cake. It may sound weird but the subtly salty flavor really made the chocolate pop. YP and his best friend from home schlepped all the way out to Red Hook, Brooklyn to pick it up.
Afterwards some of us went dancing. Unfortunately we weren’t able to check our bags and coats – coatcheck was closed, which we found out only after half an hour of waiting – and so we weren’t able to dance. But we had a round of drinks and watched the crowd a little while before heading back out into the cold.
One pomegranate cocktail + one gin and tonic = Drunk Anna May
I know: I’m a lightweight.
Being drunk made me think taking the subway at 1 in the morning would be okay. It wasn’t dangerous but not many trains were running. I actually have no idea how long I waited, having lost all sense of time. It was probably something like 10 minutes before I got fed up and grabbed a cab.
One pomegranate cocktail + one gin and tonic = Hungover Anna May
I was pretty worn out today. At noon for some reason I craved McDonald’s like crazy, and ended up pigging out on a fish filet, McNuggets, and fries. This afternoon I took a short nap and felt much better afterwards. Didn’t clean at all. Will have to during the week.
Jan 07
Had an excellent shopping weekend
For those who’ve been living under a rock, there are great sales out there now that the holiays are over. Guess stores are trying to get rid of inventory for the new season.
Yesterday, after a morning of working on the NaNoWriMo novel, which is quickly turning into NaNoWriSixMos novel, I headed out. It was ridiculously warm, about 70 degrees. Still I didn’t feel right going around in a short-sleeved shirt, and like a true Chinese dressed too warmly.
First up, Border’s, where they were having a special, buy 3 CDs/DVDs and get the 4th one free. Got Gwen Stefani’s Sweet Escape, the new Justin Timberlake (don’t judge me), The City of Lost Children, and The Royal Tannenbaums. Gwen was free.
I love free stuff. Another true Chinese quality.
Border’s also having a buy 3-books-for-the-price-of-2-sale though this doesn’t apply to all books, just ones designated by some mystery algorithm (hm, kind of Flickr Explore). Already took advantage of this, but yesterday there were two more books that interested me, the latest Best American Short Stories and The Life of Pi. Alas, there wasn’t a third book I liked.
Next was Clark’s. I didn’t even know they were having a special, buy one pair and get 25% off the second. Got a black pair on sale for $50 down from $70, and the second, with the discount, was about the same price.
I was just getting warmed up.
Third on my list, Lord & Taylor. All I needed was a nightshirt (my one full-price item) but saw that it was gift time at Estee Lauder, with a $35 purchase. Got the Multi Protection Anti-Oxidant DayWear Plus for $38, which I’ve been meaning to get anyway, and the free giftie, a purse with makeup bag plus mini face wash, night cream, mascara, eyeshadow, and lipstick. I’ll probably never use the last three but will definitely enjoy the face wash and night cream.
Finally, the Container Store. Got a stacking shelf for $2 off.
But wait. There’s more.
Today I didn’t even mean to go shopping. I had a morning run, then went out in the afternoon to take some pictures. Ended up popping in Bath and Bodyworks where they were having a gargantuan sale. Lots of stuff for just $5, which was often 50% off the original price, if not more.
Got a lot of the Aromatherapy Orange & Ginger stuff I like, as well as Moonlight Path, which is essentially lavendar, roses, violet, and musk. All good smells and not too strong. There’s one they have, the pear blossom, that gives me a headache. No wonder it’s always in the sales bins.
Also got a couple of adorable candy-themed baby outfits from Dylan’s Candy Bar for sweet Mia, my cousin’s baby.
I keep forgetting my trip is next week. Usually I prepare so far in advance and only today have I started thinking about it. Well, what’s the big deal, right? Throw a few outfits in a suitcase and I’m off. I’m looking forward to seeing my bro, my grandmother – who I haven’t seen in almost 3 years – my uncle and his family, my aunt, and my cousin, her husband, and baby Mia.
My mother said my grandmother wants to have another cruise in June, do Mexico again. I HATED it last time, but part of me is tempted to go to spend time with family and to take pictures. And cuz my grandmother’s paying. Haha. No, seriously, she is.
Watched several Season 3 Gilmore Girls episodes this weekend. I was surprised there were so many I hadn’t seen. There’s some damned fine acting on that show.
Dec 06
I hate my upstairs neighbor
I know I’m a total old lady for wanting to go to sleep at 10:30 on a Saturday, but I was up at 7:30, ran 5 miles, had lunch with SB and played with Ellie for two hours, walked 25 blocks to my facial, made the mistake of trying to battle through holiday crowds down 5th Avenue to get to Koreatown, started to walk home, tried to take the subway at 59th Street only to find out the trains were screwy, and walked the 18 blocks home.
So I’m tired and don’t appreciate John Cougar Mellencamp – yes, that’s right, John frigging Cougar Mellancamp (yes, I thought the ’80s were over too) – being blasted, followed by much pacing back and forth in what can only be cement-filled shoes. Of course it’s quiet now that I’m thoroughly awake.
Well, the good thing is I did indeed have a lovely day. The 5 miles this morning came surprisingly easily, especially considering I ran 4 miles yesterday. I could have done 6 today but my achilles tendon felt sore.
I came home to find a voicemail from SB. I thought she, her hubby, and Ellie had gone to DC for the week, but unfortunately she and her husband caught some stomach flu over Christmas. I went over to her place for lunch. (They’re better now, by the way.)
Ellie was her usual hilarious self. Her new thing is pointing at me and saying, “Who dis?” when she knows perfectly well who I am, but gets bent out of shape when I say, “I’m Ellie.”
“No!” she cries. “I Ellie!”
If you’re gonna dish it out, kid, you gotta take it.
I told SB how I’ve decided a very long break from dating. She seemed surprised, which surprised me since everyone else I’ve told has been supportive. I know she thinks I want to have a kid and that I’d better hurry it up and meet someone quick. No thanks.
Although individuals in passing have appealed to me, I have no desire to actively seek dates right now. The idea of on-line or speed dating gives me a headache. I guess I still want to have kids someday, but, and this may sound silly, but I want it to happen serendipitiously. If I happen to meet the right someone, or if the right circumstances come about, or if the universe knocks me unconscious with a sign.
Maybe it’s passive, and I suppose if I really, really wanted a baby, I’d be more active about it, but I’m not interested in having that as my mission at this time.
Anyway, around 3 Ellie needed to go down for her nap so I took that opportunity to head to midtown for my facial, a special treat for myself. I enjoyed it but I didn’t appreciate the woman telling me my face looked like I never exfoliated it when I use that damned exfoliating mask at least twice a week, and then telling me I had oily skin when just a few a weeks ago my forehead was flaking off. I’m surprised she couldn’t tell that some parts are oily and some very dry. It’s hard to trust any of these people. The best facial I had was at Oasis Spa. I may have to go back next time.
If you’re ever in New York around the holidays, definitely STAY AWAY FROM 5TH AVENUE. Good God! There were an unbelievable number of people. The corners are especially bad, where folks just mill about like cattle.
The police have already started blockading the sidewalks in preparation for New Year’s Eve. A couple of us slipped through and took to walking in the middle of the street to avoid the crowd. A female police officer told one man rather calmly that he couldn’t. Then she saw me and barked, “Get in there!” indicating the barricade. Just what I need. To get into an argument with a cop. Things were calmer the moment I got away from 5th Avenue.
Tomorrow I planned on taking the bus from Port Authority up to Woodbury Commons to do some shopping, but now I’m thinking coming back to the Times Square area in the late afternoon/early evening on New Year’s Eve is probably not such a good idea. Instead I think I’ll stay in my area and hit a bunch of museums.
Another problem with being up late: I’m hungry all over again.
Dec 06
Off for the holidays
I realized I won’t be able to post again till I return from my parents’, who still have dial-up which is about as slow as watching plants grow, so I thought I’d do a quick entry before taking off.
Friday was YP’s last day. It felt weird to me though I think he was distracted by having to get all his stuff packed up and by being sick. Although the office was empty well before noon, I stuck around with him. I wanted to see him off and as well staying gave me the chance to do some grunt work that I’d otherwise would have put off for another year. We left around 2:30.
I keep thinking this is goodbye forever and I have to remind myself that it’s not like he’s moving to Zimbabwe.
Yesterday I finally got up early and saw all the store windows like I’ve been meaning to. Since I’m sort of rushing, I won’t post any pictures just yet. Is it just me or does Blogger get all screwy when you post pictures? Like a million spaces will be inserted after I do. Anyway.
So yesterday I got up at 6:30, left the house by about 7:30, and finished seeing all the windows by 11. Along the way I stopped for a breakfast sandwich and some lovely coffee, which was weirdly the best part of the morning. Then I went down to Jacques Torres, got the last part of my mom’s gift, and was back home by before 12.
Spent the rest of the day lazing around. Played with my pictures, read, packed. I hurt my toe somehow. Just the skin but in the wrong shoes it KILLS. I don’t know what happened. I ran more than usual last week – 4 miles on Monday, 1 on Tuesday, 5 on Wednesday, 4 on Thursday, and 5 on Friday – but I don’t know if that’s it. I won’t run again till tomorrow.
In the evening I watched part of the Sound of Music, still one of my favorite movies.
I gotta get outta here soon. I really want to avoid the crowds and I can’t believe how much stuff I have. Gifts mostly.
Happy holidays, everybody! (Happy holidays, Dr. Nick!)
Dec 06
Soooo tempting
I’ve emerged from my cave and finally taken notice of the Nike + iPod Sport Kit. It’s the recent ad that’s gotten me, featuring a guy running on a treadmill against a movie screen to this catchy tune, which has a pretty cool video involving, yes, treadmills (one take, people! it’s done in one take).
The thing about the sport kit is that I’d have to buy a Nano. I already have a Mini, but I’ve had it for about 2 years now, and the battery’s wearing out. Like I’ll charge it all day and it’ll last only about two hours, while when I first got it, it’d last up to 5 or 6.
In other news, on Saturday I went to the 11 Spring Street open house. For those who don’t know, 11 Spring St. has long been a sort of graffiti landmark. Artists have come from around the world to make their mark.
To honor its place in the artworld and as a part of New York history, the owners invited street artists to do up the inside of the building before beginning renovations. Two months later they opened the doors to the public, hence the open house this past weekend. Renovations began today.
Hours were from 11 to 5, and I got there at about 11:30. The line went around three square blocks. Crazy! I waited for about an hour, taking pictures all the while.
I didn’t mind the wait except that it was colder than I expected so after a while I started to freeze, and then I had to pee. Oh well.
Inside, needless to say, was pretty darned cool too. A few of my favorites:
Afterwards, I stopped in Rice to Riches to use the bathroom. I’ve yet to actually try the rice pudding there. I was starving but resisted as that blast of sugar would have f’d me up. Instead I went up to Astor Place and had ramen and boba tea at Saint’s Alp. Then Whole Foods for a couple of Christmas items.
It was about 3:30 when I got home. I had left the house at 10 and was exhausted for some reason, but a good kind of exhausted. Later that night I met my mom at the Grand Central JFK bus drop-off, where we picked up the free shuttle to Penn Station. I got her on the very crowded train and took off.
Yesterday was a hermit day. I stayed in and cleaned like crazy. It was worth it. I love how my floors shine afterwards. I also rearranged and got rid of some books that I knew I’d never read or just didn’t want, ie, DK’s castoffs that he had given me. As the Gilmore Girls say:
Rory: “You know what it means when a man gives you a book.”
Lorelai: “That he’s already read it?”
Rory: “Yup.”
Should be quiet this week.
Dec 06
The weekend thus far: Saturday
I was up relatively late, around 9. I spent the morning playing with my pictures and writing a post for Metroblogger on the eating tour I took on Thursday. Then I was off to Penn Station to meet my mother.
She’s spending the week in L.A. with my grandmother. Puo-puo lives with my uncle and his family but they’re on the east coast for a few days visiting my aunt’s family in Boston and their daughter who’s going to med school out here. So she needs some company. My mother flew Jet Blue for the first time, which presently flies only out of JFK and LGA, not Newark, so she hopped on the NJ Transit to take the shuttle to the JFK.
It wasn’t that simple. I got to Penn Station early to scope out the bus stop. Couldn’t find it. At Grand Central it’s very obvious. There’s good signage and a ticket window and usually buses already there waiting. At Penn Station I couldn’t find shit. I asked some cops but they were no help.
“You gotta go out to Long Island,” one told me.
Um, no, I don’t think so.
“Take the air train, it’s faster,” another said.
Yeah, didn’t ask about the air train.
Luckily the guy at the info desk in the station was able to tell me where it was.
So my mother and I schlepped out there, found the sign, but no bus or ticket window. I asked the news stand guy if he knew where I could buy a ticket, and he said I could buy it on the bus, which turned out not to be true. People, if you don’t know the answer, just say so. Please don’t make one up.
Anyway, it turns out you have to take a shuttle from Penn Station to Grand Central to take the real bus to the airport. At least the shuttle’s free, and the driver was very nice. He was the one who came up to us and asked if we were trying to get to the airport. He could have easily ignored us.
Timing was on my side all day. Coming down, the 6 train arrived just as I got to the station, then the E at 51st Street. Now, as we deboarded the shuttle at Grand Central, the bus to JFK was just about to leave. We got my mom’s ticket and she was off.
Even she said all of that was too much trouble to save a few dollars on Jet Blue. Next time she’s flying out of Newark. But after she enjoys the personal satellite TVs and extra wide seats, she might change her mind.
Being back at Grand Central was actually perfect for me because I needed to be on the east side for the rest of my errands. First, down to Union Square to get some Amino Acid Shampoo at Kiehl’s. Of course I could have gotten that at a more conveniently located establishment like Barney’s or Sak’s, but I like venturing to different parts of town, and plus I wanted tempura udon for lunch at M2M and a sesame milk tea from Saint’s Alp.
On the way, in case I forgot:
Yes. Yes. Yes. What of it?
My usual shampoo of choice is the Tea Tree Oil one for oily scalp and dry hair, but I’m finding for the winter it’s too drying. The Amino Acid one is gentler and more moisturizing. As always, the Kiehl’s “doctor” offered up some free samples, of which I chose the Over-Night Biological Peel. He asked me if I knew about that whole line. I didn’t so he threw other samples of the line-reducing concentrate, the micro-dermabrasian stuff, and the post-micro-dermabrasian salve. Yay, free stuff!
My haircut appointment was at 3 so I had just enough time to train back up to lower midtown east. Again, time was on my side (okay, let’s sing it together, I know it’s going through all of your heads: Tiiiiime is on my side, yes it is): just as I walked into the salon, Mario was saying goodbye to his last client.
Mario has been my haircutter for years. He’s the only one who understands my hair. When I first came back to New York, I went through about five different hair salons and five different but equally bad haircuts. I think people see Asian hair and think it can be cut any which way. But my hair isn’t smooth and silky. It’s coarse and slightly wavy, and if it’s cut incorrectly will stick up all over the place. Mario is the only one who gets this.
After my cut I headed down to Koreatown for my favorite cha-jang myun. I think they’re beginning to recognize me at the restaurant. I put in my order then stepped out to check out a beauty product store. Looks like Shiseido has a new whitening line, White Lucent. Ahhh, too many choices!
That time thing again. The moment I returned to the restaraunt, my order arrived. Weird.
While in K-town, I also stopped in something called Pinkberry, which I guess is already popular in L.A. I asked the guy about it, and he was nice enough to give me free samples (yay, free again!), plain and green tea.
They’re more like sorbet than frozen yogurt, and were slightly tangy. I could barely taste the difference between the two flavors though they were pretty good.
Then it was homeward bound. I thought about going to the book fair, but since I’ll be there all afternoon today, decided it would be overkill.