Jul 08

Quiet weekend this time

Friday I had a half day as usual. After the gym I went to school to make yet more copies, and ran out of change before finishing completely.

MB was at a coffee shop in the area so I met up with him there. I like the food there, but what the place is famous for is its model-like waitstaff. Everyone who works there is tall and thin and gorgeous. The girl behind the bar wasn’t tall, but she was very pretty and knew it. She had a weird way of engaging people, both men and women, very flirtatious instead of just normal and down to earth.

Late that afternoon we saw Hellboy II. Another good movie! I love all the weird creatures that director thinks up, like in Pan’s Labyrinth.

Friday and Saturday were very much stay at home days, except for meals. MB was rather obssessed with a project he was working on. Plus I had a ton of reading to do for class and wanted to work on my memoir as well.

Sunday we left the house. Yay! Grabbed a late lunch, then took a long walk before settling in Washington Square Park to do some work. MB kept seeing people he knew, or at least recognized. First up was some eccentric older dude from a music meet-up, shopping cart full of musical equipment in tow. Second was this poor clearly anorexic woman. MB had seen her in Union Square a while back; on Sunday she was just wandering Washington Square Park, walking up and down, up and down.

Then as we’re about to leave, who do we see but YP on his way back from Hellboy. I almost never see anyone I know.

I’m finally at my correct pay rate now for work. Even though I officially started on May 16, till last week I was still at my old pay rate in the system. (Damn the system!) HR said I should get a check to make up for the difference.

Also will be getting my tuition reimbursement soon. Yay! I need to use that to help pay for my fall tuition, which I won’t get back till after the semester. It’s a bit of a challenge, to say the least.

This weekend I’ll be heading up to Boston to hang with ES. Another yay! Apparently there are a whole bunch of festivals going on, art and music and whatnot. I haven’t been up there in ages.

Jul 08

The days were just packed

It was a fun and busy weekend.

Saturday, before we headed out to YP’s naked comedy show, we went to Sam Ash and got some gadgety electronic thing to feed MB’s music addiction. I don’t really get it, but he gets hours of fun out of it so that’s good.

There were a lot more people at the show than I expected. We got there early, and there was almost no one there. But then suddenly the waiting room was crowded.

Several guys got naked in the audience. Usually there’s just one weird old guy with a pageboy haircut, but this time three youngish men across the aisle from us disrobed. MB squirmed a bit.

“I hope they clean off these seats,” he said before I assured him that the nakedness was restricted to one side of the theatre.

The performers were also funnier than I thought (but just as funny-looking in their nakedness). We sat in the back since I was paranoid that the comic who embarrassed me so much last time would be there – and he was! Thank goodness MB was next to me.

After the show we went with YP to grab something to eat, then walked home together, very convenient since YP’s place is on the way to ours.

Sunday, after some work/lounging time in the late morning/early afternoon, we did some shopping, namely shorts for MB. I thought I had seen a lot of guys’ shorts at Urban Outfitters, but there were hardly any, and they were pretty pricey at $40+ each. We had much more luck at Filene’s – in fact the choices were overwhelming. MB got several pairs for $19.99 each.

I wanted some sandals so DSW was our next stop. No success for me. Although there were lots of choices, my size was nowhere to be found.

Later that night we saw The Wackness. It was quite good, better than I expected. Ben Kingsley in particular was pretty hilarious.

This morning I’m very tired. I’ve started taking the allergy medicine my doctor prescribed me. You may remember that I had this cough, and thought the inhaler she gave me might help. Maybe it did a little. But then one night I had a bad case of the hives (hives are a usual occurence for me), and popped a Benadryl. For the next day and a half, not only did I not have any hives, I didn’t cough, which made me think it was allergies after all.

That’s a long way of saying the allergy medicine gives me a restless sleep. I sleep but wake up every few hours. Annoying but better than coughing I guess.

Jul 08

The weekend thus far

I keep thinking it’s already Sunday.  I’m so glad it’s not.

Wednesday was completely dead at work.  As usual they announced we had a 2 PM closing at the last minute, noon.  By then I was at the gym.  Afterwards I ate some lunch, did a tiny bit more work, then left at 2:30.

I can’t even remember what MB and I did.  We must have taken a walk – and, oh yeah, he was all pooped afterwards from too much heat and sun, and so we took a long nap.  Very nice!

That night we saw Tell No One, a very good French thriller.  It actually made sense, unlike other French movies.

Thursday was a homework day.  Although I had the day off from work, I still had class, boo!  But it wasn’t so bad.  We talked about online exhibits, and the professor showed us a couple of cool ones.  Plus she let us out at 8:30 on the dot.  The class is supposed to go till 9:20, but she agreed that three hours and 20 minutes was a very long a time.

I just checked my grade for the Web Design class – A-, woohoo!  I was expecting a B+ or lower.

Thursday night MB and I saw Hancock.  It was entertaining but also kinda dumb, especially the so-called “plot twist.”

Friday we had to get up relatively early – ie, at 10 – to head out to my parents’.  As you may recall, MB has already met them, but this would be his first visit.  We managed to get out of the house by 12, and were lucky enough to catch the 12:14 train.  It was packed!  Who knew so many people would want to head out to New Jersey on the Fourth of July?

Overall the visit was painless, mostly because MB took all my parents’ prying questions and unsolicited advice in stride.  After dinner as we walked outside to try to catch a glimpse of the fireworks we kept hearing (no such luck), he said, “I figure your parents have the right to ask me whatever they want.”

To me it seems old-fashioned: Well, you’re with our daughter, let’s hope you have a future. After all I can support myself. But it’s nice too. My ex never thought my parents had a right to ask him such questions, and he’d always get annoyed and insulted.  I think it was because deep down, he didn’t really think I was good enough for him or his family (ie, not Korean, not from a rich family), and that he was only deigning to be with me.  Either way, it’s nice to be with someone who actually values me.

In addition to all the questioning, we brought MB to the mall, which he was excited about.  “I haven’t been to the mall in ages!” he said.  I bought some shorts and a T-shirt at Lucky Brand Jeans, all 50% off, plus an additional 25% off.  We looked at the puppies and other pets at this pet store, and played with some gadgets at Radio Shack.  He also managed to run into someone he knew from his old workplace.  How random.

I also played some piano for him.  He’s really into music and always trying to get me to play, but I can’t remember anything.  So I played a Beethoven sonata that I really liked playing in high school.  It was fun and out of character for me: I usually don’t go out of my way to perform for anyone.

My mom made a fantastic dinner of broiled whole fishes, jumbo shrimp, stir friend chicken with pine nuts, and Chinese broccoli, which MB really liked.  After gorging ourselves, we watched some stupid TV, then hopped on the 10:15 train back to New York.

I was pooped but MB was just getting his second wind.  So we saw a midnight showing of The Neverending Story.  What a crazy movie.  Although I was tired, it was nice to go out and do something just the two of us.

Today has been lazy.  It’s raining, a good fit for our mood.  I started working on my memoir again.  Gotta get cracking!  Tonight YP is having a comedy show – a naked comedy show, I should say.  Oh brother.  I’m so glad MB is going with me.

Jul 08

Unmotivated week

Short and quiet too.

You know what time it is? That’s right, catchup time!

Friday after work I headed down to school to make a mess of copies. I got as far as the week of July 14 before I started to get really bored and the machine began to make a funny noise. Almost no one was there, by the way. I guess the library’s not the place to be on a summer Friday afternoon.

For dinner, MB and I wanted noodles at Ramen Setagaya, but it was jam packed! A line out the door, which we’ve never seen before. We thought we were the only weirdos craving hot noodles on a sweltering summer night. So instead we went to Dumpling Man. Packed again! Luckily we were able to find seats. Red Monster chicken dumplings, yum!

Afterwards, we saw Wall-E. I liked it a lot, though it was a bit sappy for MB. Not me. I totally had a tear in my eye at the end.

Saturday was laundry, hanging around, walking around. We also saw Expired, which was just okay. I liked the actors, but Jason Patric’s character was such a jerk, it maddened me that she stayed with him for so long. Plus their relationship was so reminiscent to me of my own past relationships: the guy says mean things, the girl is upset, he suddenly does something super nice, she forgives him, he says something mean again. . .etc. Way too familiar.

Sunday I got up rather early to meet up with YP. I brought over my drill for him to borrow to put up his new curtains. No such luck. It was all harder than anticipated.

Instead we went out for brunch at 12 Chairs. The food was good – I had blueberry pancakes – but the service was awful. We got seated right away but the table was dirty. I had to ask three or four times before finally getting water. And our waiter kept standing around doing nothing. At one point he looked totally lost. Meanwhile we were waiting to order, this older couple were waiting, and other tables were still dirty.

After that we headed out to the Gay Pride Parade, and I have to say: it was really boring. I expected a lot more fun, lavish, outlandish floats, and while there were a few of those, there weren’t nearly enough. There was a lot of people just walking, holding banners. Plus it was so freaking hot and humid, AND I forgot my hat.

We stayed for about an hour, then headed down to Chelsea for a drink. Since I felt kind of dehydrated, I went non-alcoholic and got a pineapple juice. At the bar, YP spotted a guy who had also been eating at 12 Chairs, and we struck up a conversation (he also thought the service was horrible that morning).

He was very nice but also quite young and maybe not so smart. He was from Israel and had just finished film school, and for his day job sold hair straighteners in a mall in New Jersey. He kept saying people couldn’t believe his own hair – which looked something like a cockatiel’s – was curly, and invited us to feel a curly part vs a straight part. (It wasn’t as weird as it sounds.)

Just as we were getting ready to leave, a bunch of drag queens came in and sat next to us. I’m kicking myself for not getting a picture. YP said that when he returned to get his forgotten umbrella, a guy was introducing one of the drag queens to his friends:

“This is the Famous – the Famous, um – ”

Beignet!” she cried. “Like the donut, bitch!”

Wish I had witnessed that.

By the time I got home, I was exhausted but still had homework to do. Plus MB and I were both hungry, so we grabbed our stuff and parked it at Whole Foods for a while. I was totally falling asleep over my reading. Had to get up and walk around Whole Body and sniff products.

I did get to my finish my reading that night. Afterwards, at home, we watched this Korean movie, Sorum. We thought it was a horror flick, and kept waiting for scary stuff to happen, and when it kept not happening, we were like wtf? Turns out it was more of a thriller, but not very thrilling. Except for the very end, it was pretty boring.

The other night we also watched Ringu 2. Neither of us had seen Ringu (which the video store didn’t have), but I’ve seen both American remakes, so I thought I’d be set. I had no idea what was going on. “Who’s that?” I kept asking, as though MB had inside information. “Why is she doing that? Is that ghost or a real kid?” Only some parts were scary.

Last night we watched a slew of South Parks, which you can download for free from their website. That’s a damned funny show.

Jun 08

A new post, finally

Don’t know how I went a whole week without blogging. Wasn’t even that busy last week.

Today is my last web design class. We had a make-up class on Saturday, and so I was able to finish up my project that day and upload it to the share drive. It’s pretty basic, but the teacher said it was good enough. Today we have to “present” it to the class, which just means projecting it for everyone to see, and then walking through it. Not a formal presentation, but still embarrassing.

My old boss continues to annoy me. Normally I wouldn’t mind answering questions, but he asks in such an off-putting way, not even addressing me directly but cc’ing me on a message and addressing me in third person, ie, “Hopefully Anna May can help,” instead of, “Anna May, can you help?” It’s a subtle yet significant difference. He’d do that when I worked for him, but now it’s like, “Dude, I’m doing you a favor on someone else’s dime. At least address me directly.” At this rate, I may stop answering his emails altogether.

Friday YP and I went to a showing of the movie Grease, which was also a sing-a-long. I expected a lot more people to be there, but the theatre wasn’t even halfway full. Some people showed up in costume, which for the guys meant white T-shirts and jeans. There was a costume contest at the beginning. Neither of us had patience for it, especially since it was a midnight showing.

But it was fun overall. In addition to singing, we kept making snarky comments – “Yes, hello, I’m 30 and I’m still in high school” – and pointing out plot holes, like couldn’t have Sandy gotten the message to Danny that she wasn’t going back to Australia? Wouldn’t she have called him right away? Also, what’s the message of the movie? Give into peer pressue and you’ll be cool!

I had had a glass and a half of wine so the next day I was pretty hungover (yes I know: wimp). Luckily my class was at 11. It wasn’t so bad actually. I enjoyed the A/C as a I fiddled around with my website and downed some coffee, and only half paid attention to the teacher.

For the rest of the weekend, MB and I hung out, doing some work, walking around the city, eating. We watched a couple of episodes of Deadwood, which were really good.

Woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn’t fall back asleep. Not so bad, but I went to bed late, around 1, so now I’m tired.

Jun 08

Stormy weather

There goes my rule about no posting at work.

Had what felt like a busy weekend. Friday afternoon I was able to leave work a little early and head home before going to class. MB and I also had a chance to grab something to eat. I figured I could be a little late since it was a makeup class on a Friday night.

It was very very boring. Walked through a bunch of examples again, this time using Flash. One of my classmates has spent the last few classes working on her final project. I should have done the same, and will definitely do so tonight. This week we’re not meeting on Wednesday since the teacher will be at some conference; makeup is on Saturday, blech. At least it doesn’t start till 11, and I have the rest of the week free after today.

After class MB and I ate dinner, then went to see The Incredible Hulk. It was good! The theatre was jam packed. We were in the balcony, and there were some idiots down below who kept laughing at not-funny parts, like they were in junior high or something.

We didn’t get back till almost 3, so I slept in till about 11. We hung around, then went off to Chelsea Market for my dad’s Father Day gifts – teas, chocolate, and red wine, an antioxidant feast. On the way, we totally got caught in a thunderstorm. At first it was just a steady rain, but then we stopped in this coffee place, got my coffee, looked out the window, and it was a monsoon.

We waited a few minutes, but then, at least according to MB, it started to slow. “Let’s go,” he said.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “Let’s wait a little longer.”

“I think it’s slowing. C’mon, let’s go.”

It was not slowing. In fact it got worse, blowing sheets of rain at us horizontally. We had umbrellas, which do absolutely no good. The moment we stepped outside, MB’s got turned inside out, and I got soaked from head to toe. We ducked under a bus stop till the rain finally did begin to abate, then trudged, wetly, to the subway.

When we left Chelsea Market, it had started to pour again so we did the smart thing that time and hopped a cab.

I think my sneakers may still be wet.

Sunday I was up semi-early to get a load of laundry in before heading to the ‘rents’. On my way out the building, I was greeted with a very unpleasant sight: a guy peeing in our freaking doorway. Yuck! Something I do NOT need to see EVER. He was on his cell phone and so didn’t see me till I knocked on the glass and motioned nastily at him to get out of here. At least he had the decency to look embarrassed.

The traffic was murder getting to Penn Station, and then I had to wait around for an hour cuz I just missed the train. Apparently everyone and his brother was going to NJ for Father’s Day. Luckily I was able to snag a window seat, and thank God for my iPod cuz a guy behind me was LOUD.

In NJ we did what we always do: shop! This time I felt inspired and got a black skirt and two white shirts. Well, “inspired” may be relative, but all are very cute and were on sale. For dinner we went to this mediocre Japanese place run by Chinese people. But my parents like it.

My mother didn’t annoy me too much this time. We actually talked about my job instead of just playing 20 questions about MB. He and I will be visiting together next month, sometime over Fourth of July weekend. Of course he’s totally good-natured about it.

I got back around 9:30 and was pooped. Although I was falling asleep around 11, I didn’t sleep well. I couldn’t get comfortable. Under the blanket was too warm, without it was chilly. The humidity doesn’t help.

Off to the gym.

Jun 08

It’s soooo hot

Summer is here. :(

I ended up seeing Sex and the City, though I had no plans to. YP was going with his friend and invited me along. Neither of us are huge fans of the show. We’ve both seen a few episodes here and there.

The whole phenomenom is crazy, especially here in New York. The theater we went to was in Chelsea so it was packed with the gays and their hags, as well as the stereotypical threesomes and foursomes of “girlfriends.” (Have girls always been going around in super short dresses and sky high heels, or is it more now because of the movie?) Three or four girls together is pretty annoying – too busy chattering to realize they’re blocking the aisle, saying, “Hi!” to the ticket guy before I’m even done buying my ticket – but three or four girls together at Sex and the City are SUPER annoying.

MB and I ran into the same type of crowds when we went to see Kung Fu Panda (a different demographic, to say the least, and a really funny movie with excellent action scenes). Hordes and hordes of women in short dresses and heels, all chattering and tossing their hair.

I’m a woman and it scared me.

The movie was entertaining. Some parts were quite funny, and all the actresses were very good. But it was also ridiculous, and not just because of the outfits.


1) The whole getting married thing. The movie made it seem like it was all about getting married. Big and Carrie acknowledged that they were “perfectly happy before deciding to live happily ever after,” and yet they still got married.

2) The whole forgiving adultery thing. I can understand it. Sometimes it is just a mistake. But that the “girls” were so adamant that Miranda was making THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF HER LIFE by leaving Steve for having cheated. Yet, Big leaving Carrie at the aisle was worse?

I thought I had more. Guess it was just those two.

The only relationship-related thing I liked was that Samantha left her boyfriend, saying, “I love you but I love me more.” Although I do think not every relationship calls for you to give yourself up, I like that she acknowledged that some do, and you should have a choice.

Overheard on the street: “I can’t believe Samantha left her boyfriend! He was SO CUTE!!!”


I think what’s more interesting than the actual Sex and the City movie is the phenom itself, everyone’s reactions to it, whether they hate it or love it. Like I said, I’m not a huge fan, but here I am writing a post about it.

Most fun was YP and I making snide comments about every outfit: “What the hell is she wearing? Is that a bird in her hair? That’s the third time we’ve seen that belt.”

~ ~ ~

In other news, I got my hair cut yesterday and it’s SOOO short. Like Mia Farrow short, only I ain’t no Mia Farrow. Overall I like it, but in a few weeks I’ll like it more, and after I get some product to smooth it down and keep it from looking like 80s pseudo punk.

MB is in Europe currently doing another conference (this time all expenses paid in advance, yay!). I have homework to do today, but I’d much rather go shopping for some cute outfits. Since this haircut, I feel like I need some more skirts and sytlish clothes. Also for some reason I want to get my eyebrows done. Maybe cuz my face feels more open.

Now that it’s summer, I really miss the Park. It was so easy just to meander over and go for a run. Now it’s more of a trek than a meander, but still doable. I just need to make the effort.

May 08

First day, again

My boss isn’t in till tomorrow, but I’m glad I came in today.

They told me that my computer would be all set up today, and of course it wasn’t. So that took all morning. I had been told to leave behind my PC and laptop for my other team, but then someone else told me today that I should have brought them over. Arggh! Some things never change.

Luckily I was able to at least run over and get my laptop – and not run into anybody, yay! – so that I could at least check email. Turned out I had a whole bunch from my old job. Of course the moment I leave, all these requests come through. But at least I didn’t have to fulfill the requests, just answer some questions.

It definitely feels weird to be in a new spot, a completely different building in fact. I know where the ladies’ room is at least, having had lots of meetings on this floor, but I’m not sure about the kitchen or copy room. I had the impression the cafeteria here was nicer than the other one, but it’s not. While it’s bigger, the selection is far more limited. Plus the register lady was nasty, and not just to me. I may continue to get my food from the other caf, at least in the morning, which isn’t a big deal since I walk past it from my bus anyway.

As for the weekend, it was a nice one. I had Friday off. I slept in, then headed out around noon for the gym (MB had a lunch meeting). It was good workout – four miles. Afterwards we just hung out, took walks, ate dinner. Watched I’m Not There on DVD. It was interesting but a little confusing at first. Cate Blanchette was amazing as one of the Bob Dylans.

Saturday was SG’s baby shower in DC. I decided to go down just for the day since the hotels were sort of expensive. I was taking a 7 AM train, which meant getting up at 5:30. Yikes! And of course having slept in Friday morning, I wasn’t tired till like almost 2 AM.

But I was okay during the day. On the ride down, I expected to sleep, but felt good and energized with my coffee, iPod, and daydreaming out the window. Got into Union Station around 10:45. I thought I’d have time to walk around, but by the time I grabbed a snack and freshened up, it was time to head over to the restaurant.

I’ve never been to a baby shower. I have just one other friend who has a kid, SB, and she’s Jewish, which means no baby shower. So I was picturing a roomful of mommies and moms-to-be ooing and ahing over every burping blanket and teething ring.

But it wasn’t. It was fun. I think it helped that the room was a mixture of marrieds, singles, and those with or without kids. There was lots of laughing and joking around. One of the games was Forbidden Words: there was a select list of words – baby, onesie, carriage, etc. – that we couldn’t say. Each person was given three safety pins, and every time someone heard someone else say one of the forbidden words, they could take a pin, and whoever had the most at the end won.

I wasn’t paying attention, I have to say. At the end when SG was opening gifts, one of which was a Baby Bjorn, for some reason, I said the name aloud: “Baby Bjorn.” Next thing I knew two people were putting their hands to me. SG said the look on my face was, “Wtf?” Needless to say I didn’t win that game.

I did win the baby animal game though. We were given a list of 20 animals and had to fill in what the baby version was called. Like gosling for goose. Some of them were hard! Did you know a baby hare is called a leveret? I had never heard of such a thing. But I still won: eight out of 20. The prize was a very nice L’Occitane set, hand cream and a really good smelling body lotion. I’ve been using it although I have like three others open.

The food was good too. It was high tea so we had little savory sandwiches, as well as trays of desserts. The scones were out of this world, as was the clotted cream, which I thought was butter, just much softer and a little sweet. The shower was scheduled to end at 2:30, but it was four by the time we left.

SG and I hung out for a bit after dropping off her mom, then picked up her other friend, and we all had dinner together. More laughing and talking.

Caught an 8:30 train back. It was quiet and quick – till we got right outside Newark, that is. We were chugging along when I heard a weird noise, like a bump. Suddenly we stopped and just sat there for I don’t even know how long. Thirty, forty minutes before an announcement finally came on that a “rescue train” was coming from New York and we’d all have to walk up to the first car.

We all assumed that the train had simply broken down. But as we walked, I saw policemen on the tracks, as well as cop cars, a firetruck, and an ambulance. Then I started to realize that we hadn’t just broken down, and what that “bump” was. Yikes.

I can’t even remember what time it was when we finally got on the rescue train, but it was definitely after 2 by the time I got home, two hours late. But MB was still up, that night owl, and we hung out for a bit before finally going to sleep at 3.

Slept in immensely on Sunday. MB even woke up before me, which almost never happens.

He had another lunch meeting, but this time we left together. His meeting was in Times Square so I hung out around Bryant Park till he was done, specifically the International Center of Photography. They had a really good exhibit on Japanese photographers.

When we met up, it was raining again. Boo! So we just grabbed something to eat, got this book I needed for class, then took it easy the rest of the day.

This is probably the last day that I’ll be able to blog from work for a good long while. Although my last job sucked, I could really slack a lot. Now I can’t. I’m better off not doing personal stuff at work anyway.

May 08


I feel a cold coming on. Goddammit.

It started with MB’s friend’s houseguest from last weekend. The houseguest had a cold, who gave it to MB’s friend, who gave it to MB, who has apparently given it to me.

I’m gonna try to fight it tooth and nail. Vitamin C, green tea, and exercise. Sweat it out.

Even with MB under the weather, we still managed to get out and about this weekend, the first in about four weeks that we’ve both in town with no plans. Friday night, like I had written, we saw a midnight showing of Alien. We’ve both seen the movie a gazillion times, but it was fun to watch it on the big screen. It was also funny to see the now outdated special effects.

Next weekend is Blue Velvet, which we may or may not see, but more importantly, the weekend of June 20 is, drum roll please, a Grease singalong! Aw yeah! Needless to say MB is less than thrilled about the idea, and luckily for him I think he’s away that weekend. I’m going to try my darndest to find a partner in cheesiness to go with me. ES and I went many years ago in Boston, and we had a blast.

Saturday MB and I sat around working on stuff – him on his coding, me on my writing – and then took a walk. We ended up at Saint’s Alp, where I had some noodle soup with cuttlefish balls, we shared a sort of poo-poo platter of a tea egg, chicken wings, and fried shrimp dumplings, and MB had some ginger black tea, good for his cold.

Afterwards we moseyed on over to a bookstore. I’ve finally read all the books I have so it was time to load up on some news ones, namely Kitchen Confidential, and The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass, the last two in the Golden Compass trilogy, which YP introduced me to and which I loved.

That night we took it easy and watched Michael Clayton on DVD. It was very good. Kept us in suspense.

Sunday was more working and walking around. In the late afternoon, sort of spur of the moment, we decided to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. I haven’t done that in years and years. It was fun though a bit chilly.

When we reached the other side, we went to the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory. The line wasn’t too long and my vanilla chocolate chunk was delish!

On our walk back, MB, who had been feeling better during the day, started to feel sick again. All light-headed and weak and such. But we made it back okay, taking frequent bench breaks. Luckily it doesn’t take too long to walk across.

I really hope this cold doesn’t come full blast for me. In the middle of the night I woke up with a sore throat, which was how it started for MB. Right now I feel okay.

~ ~ ~

So my new job starts in two weeks. While I’m being a complete slacker at my current position (what else is new?), I’m a wee bit nervous about the new job. After all it’s been NINE YEARS since I’ve had a new job. My current position has changed and evolved over the years, but essentially it’s been the same.

My new boss sent me some minutes and presentations from some big meeting they just had, so I’ll take a look at those. And he and I have some time set up on 5/20 to talk about my goals and stuff.

I figure I won’t be able to slack for much longer so I’d better enjoy it while I can.

Apr 08

Very sleepy

For some reason I couldn’t sleep last night. MB and I were out late – we saw Harold and Kuamr Escape from Guantamono Bay, very entertaining – and didn’t get back till almost 2. Then I just lay there till almost 5. I think it was all the Hi-C I drank at the movie theatre. All that sugar.

Aside from the movie, I spent most of the weekend working on my term paper and accompanying presentation. Friday I typed up my research notes and ideas. Saturday I was at my parents’ house. We spent the afternoon shopping – got some new shoes – but that night I wrote the majority of my paper, finishing it up Sunday morning before heading back to New York.

Sunday afternoon I created the presentation, and today I polished off the paper and rehearsed my presentation once. Should be okay. Presenting to my classmates is very different than presenting to 500 sales people.