As I write like crazy for submission to online and other publications, I can’t think of anything to write for this blog, except to complain that:
It’s noisy as my office windows are being worked on. Okay, at least I have an office. And a window.
It’s too hot.
The journalist daughter of my parents’ friends is beginning to annoy me. I wrote to her last week, and she suggested meeting up Thursday or Friday this week. I said, okay Thursday night, and wrote today to confirm. She wrote back, “Sorry Anna May, things have been crazed. Tomorrow night? Did we set something up? It’s doable, although I have a dinner from 6:30-9:30. What did you have in mind?”
Um, what I had in mind was our whole email conversation.
I hate it when people use their “crazy lives” as an excuse for disorganization and forgetfulness. Still, I know she’s doing me a favor so I nicely suggested tomorrow afternoon instead, if that would be easier for her. Sorry to be a nerd, but I don’t feel like schlepping out at 9:30 when I have to get up early for work tomorrow.
If the chat doesn’t work out with her, I’m not going to sweat it. There are other writers I can talk to.
But I’m not all about the complaints (really, I’m not!). This week I’m happy that:
Work has been pretty quiet (knock wood). My boss is caught up in this other project and has pretty much been leaving me alone. Except tomorrow morning we have a catch-up meeting, which usually opens the floodgates for lots of unnecessary work.
I’m home this weekend. I love traveling and visiting friends and family, but I also love having the balance of time at home. Plus my apartment needs a good scrubbing.
ES invited me up to Boston next weekend. More traveling, woohoo!
My 1 PM meeting just got canceled. Double woohoo!
Now if I’d just win the lottery. Though I guess I should start to play first. Details, details.
Jun 07
Isn’t it ironic
Jun 07
A D.C. weekend
“I’m sorry I have to pee.”
On Friday the train ride down was semi-nice. It was sort of crowded, and unfortunately I got stuck with a snotty seatmate, ie, when I had to get by her to go to the bathroom – very politely saying, “Excuse me” – she stared at me like it was a huge inconvenience. Hey, you pick an outside seat next to someone, that’s the risk you’re gonna take.
Still, I was afraid to go to the bathroom again. I waited till my bladder was near-bursting, then did gymnastics to get over her without her having to move.
SG picked me up at Union Station, and after dropping off my stuff, we had a delicious dinner of of wood fire pizza at Ella’s Pizza. I had the four-cheese one – sometimes I feel like I can eat cheese all day long – and we ended up getting free dessert.
The manager had very kindly asked if we could move tables so that he could put two two-persons one together to make one four. It wasn’t a big deal since there was an empty two-person right behind us. Plus chocolate pudding on the house! Woohoo!
That’s a damned good breakfast roll.
I told SG the one thing I wanted to do was to visit the Amish market we went to last time. It was funny because she had been thinking she needed to go there but that I wouldn’t want to.
Saturday mornings, the place gets pretty crowded, but the food is oh so very good. I had a vanilla latte and this bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast roll. Let me make this clear: it was no ordinary breakfast roll. The outside was made out of this pretzel dough that is at once salty and sweet, not to mention buttery, and the ingredients were all good and fresh and the perfect melted-ness and temperature. I wish I had one right now.
Getting crafty
Later that afternoon we went to SG’s friend’s T-shirt stenciling party. I haven’t done arts and crafts since junior high when I made a pillow in the shape of a surf board (don’t ask) so I was a bit nervous.
When we walked in, everyone was already hard at work, heads bent over stenciling like they were taking the SATs. Someone very quickly explained the how-to’s, which to us sounded like, “Blah blah blah, exacto knife, yadda yadda yadda, iron, etc etc, paint.”
I realized the print out I brought was way too complicated, and opted for a very simple graphic instead. SG finished hers first, and seeing the stencil in action, I finally got it.
It was pretty fun. In three short hours, I made one shirt with an octopus that kind of looks like an alien, and another with a row of penguins. I want to add to the octopus shirt – perhaps other sea creatures as one of the more experienced T-shirt makers suggested – and fix the penguins with another coat of paint.
Please excuse me while my mouth burns down.
Saturday night we went to this Korean restaurant that SG has been wanting to try. Overall the food was excellent. SG got bibimbap, while I had a spicy beef soup. While for some reason I could handle the soup, the seafood pancake we shared was almost unbearably hot. The pajeans I’ve had are usually mild.
A funny thing happened on the way to the library.
While we were driving around on Saturday, I told SG my possible plans for a career change, among them getting a degree in library science.
At one point we drove past the convention center and saw these sort of nerdy looking folks still wearing their nametags on the street (which I do at conventions as well, then wonder how complete strangers know my name).
The next morning SG found out that it was the American Library Association’s Annual Conference. Weird!
Now before anyone protests about librarians and nerdiness, I have one thing to say: evening wear and birkenstocks.
Apr 07
Early weekend recap
This has nothing to do with the weekend, but things have been very strange at work. Our team – which at its peak had 30 people and is now down to less than half – is being restructured. Rumor has it that other teams will be combined with ours but we don’t know how it will look or who will be doing what.
Apparently the structure was approved last week but we still have yet to hear. We’ve a feeling that another department with whom we work closely – and who in a way we suppport – already knows. A co-worker and I had meetings with some of the senior management on something else, and they were all like, “The Big Boss praised both of you by name. Hang in there, it’ll be okay, just hang in there.”
Hunh? I for one am usually invisible to senior leadership. I’m a worker bee that has a lot of contact with middle management but my work is rarely recognized by those above. So it was very very weird.
Anyway, aside from that, had a nice active weekend. Friday was our first half-day Friday of the spring/summer. I worked till about 3 – so not really a half day but a short one at least – then hit the gym. Didn’t run that much this week. Nothing on Monday, elliptical on Tuesday, three miles on Wednesday, ellipitcal again on Thursday, and finally 4 miles on Friday.
I was meeting PL downtown at 7 so I didn’t have quite enough time to run errands AND go home. So I just went home and chilled for an hour before heading back out.
This time I actually made it in time for the literary reading. I’ve missed all but one, arriving just 10 or 15 minutes late. This was a good one. Sometimes the (annoying) personality of the writer overwhlems the reading, but not this time.
Afterwards as usual PL and I had dinner at Paladar, “pan-Latin.” This time I had chicken empanadas and sopes, “corn tarts with black beans, avocado salsa & cotija cheese.” Delish!
PL and I had a really good talk. I forget how nice it is just to jibber jabber about the details of my life, like I did in college. I’ve been so reticent for so long, thinking that was the way I had to be. It’s really helpful to get someone else’s point of view.
Saturday morning I wrote and then met SB for lunch and shopping. Got some “delicates” at the Gap as well as finally found some black khakis I like from the Loft. They were full price but I’ve been on a search for some time.
I thought I’d go straight downtown and finish running errands before meeting up with YP, but I was pooped! Went home and chilled for a couple of hours. Even did some housekeeping.
Met up with YP for a quick bite to eat before going to see the stupidest movie perhaps that ever was, Premonition. I had heard some negative reviews but went to see it thinking that maybe it’d be a little stupid but at least entertaining. No: just stupid. STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID.
WARNING: Spoilers to follow if you are so stupidly inclined to see this movie.
I totally bought into it at first, expecting a weird time traveling-twisted reality thing, a la Memento or something like that. No. No explanation for why she experienced her days out of order. I mean, was she psychic? Was there a rift in the time-space continuum? Was she insane?
The first thing that set me off was the funeral. She doesn’t believe her husband’s body is in the casket and so wants to see it. Okay, I buy that. The guys struggle with casket as the funeral director is warning her that in the accident there was a “severe cut,” and then THE GUYS DROP THE CASKET! Oops! And guess what? Her husband’s head comes rolling out.
I couldn’t stop laughing after that.
And later when you finally see the accident, yes, it’s apparent he gets decapitated, but there’s also like the biggest explosion and fireball ever. How did he have any uncharred body parts left?
I could go on and on, but I won’t.
Yesterday I also picked up issues one and two of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8. I felt like such a nerd walking around with a Forbidden Planet bag, but I’m a total sucker for Buffy.
Today I need to write more, return a shirt to the Loft, buy some Brita filters, and go to the bookstore. Also need to clean the bathroom and kitchen. Maybe I’ll get a bulletin board from the Container Store. ES gave me an awesome Angry Little Girls calendar and I want to put it up by my desk.
Apr 07
Weekend update, a day late
So what happens the moment I do a “gorgeous” skin update? I get a pimple. That’s right: a big fat one above my lip. Sexy.
ES came in late Friday night and as usual we stayed up talking. The next day we had a hard time getting out of the house, not leaving till about 1 to meet AY downtown. We had a late lunch at Ruby Foo’s – pad thai, yum! – and then were hoping to get theatre tickets, but the line was ridiculously long. So instead we walked around.
At one point AY was dying for coffee. I tried taking us to Fauchon but forgot where it was and took us the wrong way. So we ended up at David Burke’s in Bloomingdale’s. I thought it’d be overpriced, but it was actually a good deal.
I was the only one starving so I got a bowl of chili for $14. Expensive but whatever. It was GINORMOUS. I asked for 2 small bowls and we each had a hefty serving. So three chilis for $5 a piece. Not bad. Oh, and we got free popovers as well. Everything tasted really good.
After that we headed back uptown and hung out with SB, her hubby, and little Ellie, who was ecstatic to have “Mommy’s friends” around.
The next day ES, SB, and I went to see the Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Garden.
The show of course was lovely and gave me the oppourtunity to pick up my recently little-used camera.This might be my fave although there aren’t any flowers:
On our way back, we unfortunately just missed a train, and had to wait around for an hour for the next one. Luckily ES had some extra bagel and lobster salad from lunch. For dinner we hung out at SB’s place, ordering burgers and fries.
ES left Monday morning. Boohoo! But little does she know I’ll be visiting her later this month or next. :)
~ ~ ~
Writing class last week was good. I had my second piece – the second part of a longer work – workshopped. Again, everyone liked it and had constructive criticism.
Before class I went into a cafe to get something to eat and the teacher was there. He said, “It’s good,” and I was like, “Oh, the food’s good?” He meant my piece. Looking forward to class again this week. It’s nice to talk about literature and writing and art.
Next Friday, 4/13, I’m going to the Third Annual New York Round Table Writers’ Conference. Last year I only went on Saturday but, like last year, the better discussions are on Friday so I’m taking the day off.
I LOVE this event. I love getting a coffee early that morning and sitting there listening and getting jazzed from the caffeine and the inspiring things other writers have to say. Of course there are the idiots in the audience with their idiotic questions, but whaddya gonna do.
Mar 07
Long weekend recap
Only the recap is long, not the weekend unfortunately.
With the ice storm on Friday, the office closed at 2:30. But since it’s not a big deal for me to get home, I stayed till 4, finishing up a few things I’ve been putting off.
Just as I walked in the door, my cell phone rang, a number I didn’t recognize. Turned out to be a childhood friend I’ve been out of touch with for some time. Our parents have known each other since Taiwan, and W. and I have known each other since we were 3 and 4. We grew up together basically, our folks getting together on the weekends to play mah-jongg.
We’re quite different, W. and I. She was always part of that more traditional crowd in which everyone is a young Chinese professional while the people I’ve hung out with has been more mixed.
The last time I saw W. was at her dad’s funeral in February 2005. Of course we couldn’t talk then. I’ve known her dad since I was little and so my parents and I were a MESS, just like everyone else, especially when W.’s brother, who is 7 years younger, got up there and talked about how he was sorry his dad couldn’t see him get married. Oh my God, I just want to cry right now.
Anyway, so I was glad that she called. Normally she lives in Europe with her European husband, but on Friday she was in the city not far from me for a wedding at which she didn’t really know anybody. The reception wasn’t till 7 so we thought that would be a good time to grab a cup of coffee.
Luckily she was in my area because it was really slippery out. We chatted and chatted at a Starbuck’s. I updated her on my whole story, and she was shocked. Her expressions were priceless. She was also very supportive and glad to see that I was okay now.
I held off for so long telling W. because we’ve been out of touch and also because my mother wasn’t ready for her friends to know. Before I went to meet W., I called my mother to warn her that I’d be telling W., but that I’d ask her not to say anything to her mother. But then later I found out my mother told W.’s mother anyway. Her mom is apparently a clam so no one else will know till my mom’s ready.
And what was one of the first things W.’s mom said? “Maybe W. knows someone we can set Anna May up with.”
Anyway, no catch-up would be complete without some gossip. It’s so funny: W., who went to school upstate, is now friends with a bunch of my former friends from my college. I was very good friends with one guy, who I had the biggest crush on for the longest time. We stopped being friends basically cuz he’s a dick, but by then W. was good friends with one of his friends and so she’s stayed in touch with them over the years.
The last time I saw this guy was at W.’s wedding, during which he said hello with an expression like, “How come you didn’t come up to say hi to me?” Um, because you totally dissed me after I was out of the country for six months. I was totally snotty to him the rest of the time.
Anyway, so W. told me that he’s really cocky now. I don’t remember him being that way before, but that could have been an act for my sake. He was basically a liar, so much so that he couldn’t even keep track of his own lies. I believe I wasn’t a true friend to him but someone he kept around to boost his ego.
W. is not judgemental like I am. She generally gives people the benefit of the doubt. But there she was saying that this dude is now such a big talker, constantly bragging about his job, and how annoying that was.
I found that SO satisfying.
Saw Zodiac, which was really good. It was quite long but I wanted it to go on and on. It was a scary movie, but there is one thing that makes me laugh. There was a very suspenseful scene involving squirrels, and one of the squirrels jumps suddenly onto a screen door. And this girl behind me was so startled, she made the most ridiculous noise: “Ohhh!”
It’s not coming across in text. If only I had recorded it. I couldn’t stop laughing after that, also because she herself and her friends were all laughing. It still cracks me up now.
Sunday I got home in the afternoon and was a bum. I did a little more writing, finished Angela’s Ashes, and watched some of season 4 of the Gilmore Girls.
This week at work should be quiet. Almost everyone is away at a sales conference.
Mar 07
I so don’t have time for a post right now
But I don’t care!
Boston was fun. My train ride Friday morning was lovely. I enjoyed much coffee, read, wrote, and daydreamed with my iPod.
I got in around 12:30, and met ES for lunch. It was restaurant week so there were lots of specials. Unfortunately the place we ate at was disappointing. It wasn’t bad but not great. My sirloin cut was average.
Afterwards she had to go back to work so I went to the ICA, taking the Silver Line, which sounds fancier than it actually is. Dude, the ICA is in the mofo middle of nowhere. I got out and had to schlep past these empty lots and warehouses. Apparently though the whole waterfront area is being built up.
The museum was good. Thank goodness there was an audio tour because that helped me understood some of the crazier shit.
For dinner ES picked a great noodle shop near where the play was, Wok and Noodle, I think. I inhaled my entire bowl of peanut noodles with chicken. Yum! IS met us at the restaurant, and then we walked over to the theatre.
The play was so frigging boring. I’m not naming names but damn! Too many charcters, too much going on. We weren’t the only ones dropping off either. Seating was arranged on either side of the stage so that I could see people with their eyes closed and their chins on their chests.
Saw my old professor signing books but I was too chickenshit to say hello. I thought he probably wouldn’t remember me and I’m so bad at schmoozing.
The next morning was leisurely. I was up sort of early so I made myself some coffee (I’m definitely at home at ES’s) and a small breakfast, and read and wrote. Her roommate was awake too so we ended up chatting. Then ES and her other roommate came into the picture and we were all yakking it up.
ES and I spent the afternoon at the fashion exhibit at the MFA. Some of the clothes were stunning and some were just plain weird. Afterwards we took a tour of where I used to live, including the actual house. There used to be a great Turkish cafe near my old street, but we were disappointed to see that it was gone.
Instead we hit a cafe in Brookline, then Russian food. ES was not impressed with her borscht but I enjoyed my meaty-tomaty soup.
Originally we were supposed to go out dancing but I pooped out. IS still came by and we talked our heads off till 1 in the morning, 2 with daylight savings. Then the next morning we had to get up sort of early to meet some of ES’s other friends for dim sum, which was excellent, better than the dim sum ES, her mom, and I had in New York last year. Afterwards we just hung around Harvard Square till it was time for me to go.
The train ride back was shorter than the one coming up, but it felt longer. It was crowded and I was tired and antsy to get home.
Mar 07
A when-it-rains-it-pours weekend
Feast or famine, or any other number of cliches.
Really it started Thursday night. I had class, then went over to H.’s, which is practically next door. He had invited me over for a “late supper” – he made a sort of paella with veggies and seafood. It was very good.
Friday night I went out with YP, his sister, and friend. We hit a gay bar in Chelsea, which was lots of fun. I had just two vodka tonics but was pretty much drunk and then hungover the next day.
H. had called twice Friday night but I didn’t get home till midnight so I called him the next morning. We both planned on writing all day so he suggested us writing together, such a cute idea, like college. I went to his place since he needed his books and all I needed was my laptop, notebook, and brain.
Without the distractions of my apartment – the TV, magazines, DVDs, CDs, etc. – I was able to get a lot of work done, like a ridiculous number of pages. Whether or not those are any good is another question.
The next morning I met up with YP again, for brunch. Afterwards we did a little shopping before he went off to the gym and I went home and had a little nap before heading out to my eyebrow waxing.
It’s not the first time I’ve had my brows waxed but it was no less painful, especially after the actually waxing when she’s plucking, plucking, plucking. Right now my face feels a little bald but I’ll get used to it.
Afterwards I walked around, getting a book I needed for class and picking up Korean for dinner. At home I had a guilt-free lazy evening since I had done so much writing the day before. I attempted the Sunday Times crossword puzzle (pathetic attempt) and watched some of Godfather I and II.
Went to bed ridiculously early, around 9:30. I woke up naturally at 5:30 and I should have gotten up to go to the gym but felt lazy. I’ve been really bad about working out lately. Hopefully I can hit it at lunchtime; if not, then after work.
Feb 07
Mindless drivel
I’ve had a good amount of both social and quiet time this week.
Wednesday night I had dinner with PL at her parents’ restaurant on the Upper West Side, which was fun, both to catch up and because I’d never been there before.
Friday night I met up with YP. We went to his friend’s improv group, which opened for another one. As with improv, sometimes it’s kinda funny and sometimes it’s really not. In college I went to at least one performance, and I remember it being hilarious. Was that particular group funnier, or was I more forgiving? Probably the latter.
Yesterday morning I wrote a tiny bit and wasted a lot of time playing this game Jayfish posted about (damn you, Jayfish!). I did manage to get out of the house and 1) pick up a movie for later, 2) check out frames at Pier 1 (limited selection), and 3) check out the Design Life Now, National Design Triennial at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. Number 3 was pretty cool, though you couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting a hipster art student.
While I was out freezing my butt off, SB called and invited me over for dinner, a pleasant surprise. We ordered in some Mexican – I completely pigged out on Mexican potato skins which were so very good – and gave Ellie a bath.
That little girl has a stubborn streak in her. For some reason, she hates having her diaper changed, but when SB and I put it that she was teaching me how to change her diaper, she was all for it. Ditto the bath.
I left around 8:30 since I still had Little Miss Sunshine to watch. I quite loved it, one of those “small” movies that packs a lot. Funny, deep, moving, all that stuff. Plus all the actors were really good.
“Do what you love,” one of the characters, Dwayne, says. “Fuck the rest.”
Today the plan is to run some errands and try to see The Departed. I have this idea that I want to see as many Oscar nominated movies before the awards. I haven’t done that for years.
Jan 07
Had a great, activity-filled weekend with ES
Friday was freezing cold, but I walked home, needing to stop along the way for a variety of groceries. At my apartment, I cleaned, ate dinner, watched TV, and read, waiting for ES to arrive, which she did after 11:30.
The poor girl had to wait an hour to even get on a bus to a New York, and then there was all the weekend traffic. By the time we got her settled in and chatted a bit, it was after 1. Time to sleep!
The next morning I thought I’d wake up naturally around 8, but I was basically comatose till after 9. We were up because we wanted to get to the Whitney before 11, picking up SB along the way. It’s the last weekend of the Picasso and American Art exhibit, and I was imagining a very long line.
It wasn’t bad. I’ve been by at times that the line goes down the block. Plus the fact that I had my corporate ID meant the shorter line.
No matter what I love museums, but it’s much more fun to go with friends, and being there with ES and SB reminded me of traveling, the same feeling I had going through the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Musee D’Orsay in Paris, the House of the Black Madonna in Prague.
I love that feeling of peace while I look at a painting, listening to the history and inspiration behind it on an audio tour, knowing my friends are nearby. And usually I’m jazzed on coffee because we almost always eat before walking around, a tradition.
This time we ate afterwards, at Sarabeth’s downstairs. Like last time, I had the lox and cream cheese omelet. So frigging good. The mocha and scone weren’t half bad either.
Next we headed downtown. We walked all over, stopping in the Peanut Butter & Company, where we split an Elvis – a deep-fried peanut butter, banana, and bacon sandwich, which would have better with more bacon – and another mocha for me, which turned out to be one too many. Couldn’t finish it. Also picked up a jar of Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter. Yum!
We also stopped in my personal favorite chocolate spot, Jacques Torres, excellent timing as I had just run out of my Wicked Hot Chocolate. We chilled there a bit as well but didn’t ingest anything as we were all so full we couldn’t imagine eating ever again.
That is until we made our way back to the east side and Village Yokocho, a real Japanese place run by Japanese, not Chinese, people. Something about it seemed very authentic to us. The food wasn’t the run of the mill rolls and udons and teriyakis, but weird things like various Japanese pickles. . .
. . .yakitori. . .
okonomiyaki, which ES and I had in Japan and loved.
Being in Village Yokocho made me wistful for Tokyo. I find myself missing the city though I was there for barely a week.
After dinner we headed home and got back pretty early, before 9:30. We agreed to have a lesiurely Sunday. “Don’t call me,” SB said as she headed to her place. “I’ll call you.” Had a relaxing night in, both of us exhausted, though in a good way.
This morning we had a late breakfast at Sable’s, then walked down to Dylan’s Candy Bar. I’ve been there before, and to me it’s not that different any other candy place. Then we walked back uptown, stopping in Molton Brown, Aveda, and Sephora. I got some lovely Molton Brown Warming Eucalyptos shower gel and body scrub. It smells HEAVENLY.
ES left around 5. How quickly my apartment feels quiet and empty. The busyness of everyday life will fill it again soon.
Blah, work tomorrow.
Jan 07
The desk is set up
Enough with the desk already, right? Too bad.
It arrived Friday night at 7:15 so I’m glad I rushed through my workout and got home in time. The boxes were smaller and lighter than I was expecting – the guy was able to carry both at once up to my apartment – so I might have been able to bring them home myself. Oh well.
Before tackling the desk, I first brought my old bookcase downstairs, almost klling myself a couple of times, to leave on the sidwalk. By the next morning it was gone.
The desk was pretty easy to put together, but I was dismayed to find that I’d have to drill a wall mount. Not that I’ve never drilled anything before – my window blinds, towel rack, tie rack appropriated as a necklace holder – but I always find that kind of work a little daunting at first. Of course when I actually did it, it was fine. Not perfect but secure enough.
Now I want to get a matching bookcase. There’s a place in my bedroom that would be perfect for it.
~ ~ ~
In other news, yesterday I had lunch with SB, who was without child. Pork cutlet bento box at Go Sushi – yum! Then we hit a bookstore. It was so cold out, we didn’t last much longer after that. She went home to take a nap while I grabbed a large mocha joe – not as good as the ones I had in L.A. – and went to my place to continue reorganizing my stuff.
That night I went to YP’s birthday party. I met some interesting new people, had a tasty pomegranate cocktail, and some delicious Sweet and Salty Chocolate Cake. It may sound weird but the subtly salty flavor really made the chocolate pop. YP and his best friend from home schlepped all the way out to Red Hook, Brooklyn to pick it up.
Afterwards some of us went dancing. Unfortunately we weren’t able to check our bags and coats – coatcheck was closed, which we found out only after half an hour of waiting – and so we weren’t able to dance. But we had a round of drinks and watched the crowd a little while before heading back out into the cold.
One pomegranate cocktail + one gin and tonic = Drunk Anna May
I know: I’m a lightweight.
Being drunk made me think taking the subway at 1 in the morning would be okay. It wasn’t dangerous but not many trains were running. I actually have no idea how long I waited, having lost all sense of time. It was probably something like 10 minutes before I got fed up and grabbed a cab.
One pomegranate cocktail + one gin and tonic = Hungover Anna May
I was pretty worn out today. At noon for some reason I craved McDonald’s like crazy, and ended up pigging out on a fish filet, McNuggets, and fries. This afternoon I took a short nap and felt much better afterwards. Didn’t clean at all. Will have to during the week.